
I grew up in a neighborhood that was so poor instead of 7UP, we had to play Shasta Lemon Lime.

Now playing

That is some damn good prose. You speak for all of us underdogs. I know this is the internet and all, but would you be willing to give my eulogy someday?

I always thought the LX looked better than the GT, and it’s nice that this one has a 5-speed, but the iffy performance mods, the white interior, and the asking price make this an easy CP.

Likely for cooling or aero, F1 and Group C used to do wheel covers in the 80s and 90s. If this thing has a motor in each wheel, cooling would probably be a good bet.

It’s so clean that you’d feel bad for putting it to work, but at <$8k you wouldn’t think twice about “using up” a newer pickup. You could truck it if you wanted to, but I understand the dilemma.

But it’s a car AND a truck! Two for one! :) (seriously though, that’s why I have to get rid of it; I just don’t have the space.) If/when you ever get one, make sure to check inside the “smuggler’s box” (just under the back window at the front of the bed) and the bracing under the bed, because they all seem to rust out

“Newly expanded 10th anniversary edition!”


Obviously Twitter is another thing Deion couldn’t tackle…

Good eyes!

For less than $3000 you can get a really nice prostitute that will also wreck your marriage and give you the same burning and itchy sensation for days. The upside is she won’t be sitting in your driveway mocking you for months afterwards.


That’s impressive. I think it could be explained by priming: the psychological hypothesis that subtly cueing someone repeatedly will lead them to develop a subconscious association. This can then be used when you ask them to “think of the first thing that pops in their head”. I would imagine that in ESPN’s case, both

It looks like the thieves made a clean getaway.

If you think that was hard, try driving a food grade liquid trailer. Because of weight limitations, they can almost never be loaded full. That means every time you stop, start or turn, the load sloshes around. Now, consider if that load was half frozen orange juice. You stop suddenly. the load sloshes forward,

David, I love reading your articles, but I thank the good Lord above that you aren’t my neighbor. Or my tenant. ;)

If he is 20, I would advise him to go straight to college. I would tell him, don’t go back to Rockville and waste another year.

Right?? A marine battery box is like $30 and will keep the acid out of your eyes if you find a use for the roll bar.

I love 240s, but I like turning. This leaves me cold. I guess if you’re into living life a quarter-mile at a time it might appeal. CP