
You know what? Fuck you guys, I want an R63 now.

There’s a sticker on the dash warning you not to floor it.

Jeets gave out a lotta gift baskets.

You guys got owned by Ted Cruz

There’s a lot of blame to go around here, and to be honest I place very little of it at Cameroon’s feet. They obviously want Matip to play for them which is why they placed him on the preliminary list - they hired a new manager this year who obviously would want a guy who would easily be their best defender on the

there is a big offer from China

Or it could be a jab at the longstanding joke that FCA makes poor quality vehicles.

No way his tire pressure was right. I bet he was using a digital gauge.

Parking up the wrong tree.

ya walnut

In the last picture you can see him checking his phone to see if he has enough battery left to throw it.

Tom Ley covers bears, Hamilton Nolan covers communism, Samer covers New England/pro wrestling/beating up teenagers, Margary covers out of the ordinary shits people have taken, Diana covers people getting raped/beaten.

As long as she didn’t constantly vape and pound Monster too, I’d probably still be on board.

If you don’t read the ad, you will miss this zinger:

Thank god. For a while there I thought I was being racist for thinking all the winners looked alike.

I don’t get why anyone has a care about the video at all. Until they can show that they have a production-ready car and facilities, it’s all vaporware and nobody should really give a damn. If I had a nickel for every electric car startup that has promised a world-beating car/technology that would make it to

Prudent of publications to not buy and publish the photos. Publishing images of people in bed without their consent has bankrupted publications before.

Someone clearly doesn’t understand the mannequin challenge.