
"Your honor, I am here representing Mr. Randle on these charges."

Seattle's defensive coordinator has asked for the security tapes showing the arrest so that he can attempt to learn how the group of mall cops managed to stop a Cowboys running back.

Hey! I found your photo! It was just wandering around out in the middle of The Information Superhighway! I'm just glad I could return it to you.

International. They still make commercial vehicles, but not consumer trucks.

Agree completely Kapadia and McManus are great. I'd also throw @JimmyKempski from Philly.com is pretty good too. He's got a good sense of humor about the team but does some good analysis. Worth following IMO.

Sheil Kapadia and Geoff Mosher are good follows for the Eagles.

That's nothing, over on WFAN John Sterling thought that it was a home run.

Andy Reid did that all the time. In fact, he used to do three shows a day, until that stupid Blackfish documentary made everyone all uppity about it.

Stacey King blocked me after I wrote the best thing he ever did for the Bulls was get traded for Luc Longley.

Now playing

For a few years now, my internet buddies and I have been trolling Philadelphia radio guy Howard Eskin (51k followers), constantly asking him if it's really him on twitter. Even though he's verified, we were still skeptical. We needed confirmation.

I've never been blocked, so I'm gonna tell the story of the time I blocked Darren Rovell on Twitter. It was maybe two years ago, and I was fake-RTing him saying dumb shit (which, yes, is obnoxious, but also funny sometimes!). I'd read about his (deeply wienery) habit of following people just long enough to send them

When asked about his opinion on Hamas, Emmitt Smith replied that it's too garlicky.

"No one wants their young kids to fall into an unattended pool. It's (one of) a parent's (many) worst nightmare(s)."

Oh Deer!

"Upon seeing this, ESPN executives immediately set upon rectifying the situation: Terminating Beadle and apologizing to Smith and Bayless for any offense her comments may have caused."

My photoshop skills are nonexistent. Actually I don't have photoshop. anyhow....

are you pulling me over because i'm black?

How much did they/do they want for it?

Keith Olbermann: [reads Deadspin story]