
In retrospect I am amazed that teachers let us play Asshole at recess (for those unaware Asshole was in Pennsylvania parlance, handball but if you screwed up you had to put your arms and head on the wall and one kid got to throw the tennis ball as hard as he could at you). That will be another reply for another NPoCP

Now let’s harken back to the days of playing 7Up in elementary school, remember that? Yeah, this guy is the kid who kept his head down, thumb in the air hoping Heather would actually gently push his thumb back into his palm, proving once and for all she loved him and they would get married right after high school.

This looks beautiful...in someone else’s driveway.

Ride that for 57k with no issues and get back to me.

Reminds me of Santa. Both are cheerful and red, but damned if I’m gonna sit my ass down on either of them.

I want to know what BMW the owner has...

What’s up with the wheels slightly protruding from the tires? Is that for additional brake cooling or just a better way to feel for the curbs?

Yeah, I purchased a 2014 Ram 1500 new and treat it well but treat it like a truck. It now has some beauty marks that it earned on job sites and still looks good — but it is doing its purpose and doing it well. I really couldn’t see myself using the beauty above for anything other than light suburban travel, which

A truck has gotta truck. It’s too pristine to use as a truck and other than keep it in a garage to appreciate I’d have nothing to do with it.

“Wow, the way you make that bounce GIF of the train just thrusting, almost into that truck, and then back again, over and over, and over...it’s just...magical.” EARP

Hmm, looks like my car.

I really appreciate the offer, but I’ve got no home for another car now. Just being wistful.

Umm, while you’re there, could you....

I was thinking of the Ned Beatty “Squeal like a Pig” scene in Deliverance. What do I win?

I would buy this 10 times out of 10 over yesterday’s Disco....and it’s still CP.

All, in all, not bad for the price, but at what point in my life would I trust a $3k Disco in any off road environment? The only off road it will likely see is the gravel portion of the highway when something fails.

Please, no complaints about the name change, it’s not the issue here.

It’s just...I don’t know...you just can’t....I’d Love to discuss the finer points of the vehicle without making a joke about it’s name. But it’s just kinda...

It’s like if Jennifer Aniston, a beautiful woman defying age, decided she needed the biggest forearms ever seen.