
It makes more sense if you realize Charity is another housewife who used to be a stripper.

Once AGAIN, Leo and I started dating when I was in 6th grade and he was an adult man and we never broke up so this story is nonsense.

EXACTLY. Like those kids are going to turn around and they will all have butcher knives.

One glorious day I visited and they had a puppy adoption event as well as free cupcakes and hot apple cider. They could have charged me just for spectating.

First my absolute dream dog is a harlequin Great Dane and I always planned on getting a pair named detective stabler and Olivia benson. I am increasingly sure that Taylor Swift has found my “pet dream journal” and takes delight in stealing it.

I love squirrels. I was just walking home from the grocery store and saw a squirrel running picking up food and then climbing a tree to eat it. I probably watched for 10 minutes and my ice cream melted. It was worth it though, he was a cute little guy. I also saw a corgi playing with a big husky and it also made my

burn out and social justice organizations encouraging staff to have horrible boundaries is not new. I firmly believe that the problem is rooted firmly in a patriarchal understanding of social work being women’s work and therefore less valuable (even when it’s men or people of other genders doing the work). I was lucky

Dear lord, yes. I like helping others, but find it so overwhelming sometimes to do ANYTHING because it feels like tossing a pebble into the ocean and expecting to cause a tidal wave. You can get locked into a perfect kind of inactivity, because if you do nothing at all then there’s no chance that you’ll disappoint

Yep. There’s a verse in the New Testament that reads in part: “There is none righteous—no, not one,” and it used to really discourage me. If there’s not one righteous person on the face of the planet what’s the point of going on, or even trying?

This essay is amazing!

Whereas Cole commends those with what he described as an “internal ethical urge that demands... each of us serve justice as much as he or she can,” he cautions such individuals to keep in mind that, in most contexts, the narratives of those we are trying to help are more complicated than we may initially presume.

One of the hottest men I have ever known was one of the most boring people ever. He added nothing to the conversation. It was like God put all his work into constructing a gorgeous Greek God of a man and then was like “Welp, that’s all the time I have for this one!”

I *knew* there was something between me and the guy using the self service checkout next to me just now.

By Gwen’s logic then, I should dump my husband and take up with the old man who lives two blocks away, because we are both going through the pain of a full-bathroom remodel at the exact same time. Or maybe I should start dating the girl from the 5K last weekend who had to stop and re-tie her shoe at the exact same

Unfortunately, no. I really encourage everyone, no matter your age, to go set up advance directives and a health care proxy. I’ve been on the other side (making end of life decisions for someone who had not done so) and it becomes immeasurably more complicated and emotionally taxing on your loved ones if you haven’t

No, Coco. Katy Perry ripped off Jill Sobule’s “I Kissed A Girl,” which the internets say came out in 1995.

And the entire idea stolen from Jill Sobule.

You really have to respect that Steven Tyler just wanders around like that. I mean, he's a walking choking hazard, but he's committed to his brand.

I like to treat myself to a “Sorry Men Suck” cake every Wednesday. Also known as just “cake”.