Ma Vaffanculo is very sorry for the comment about Flakka

So you think she should’ve been charged, not cleared, both times? We’re all as woefully ignorant as those who declined to formally charge her? Just making sure I understand.

I discussed Comey with my husband last night. So do we just pretend he never did anything or...? If nothing happens, does this sort of tampering become the norm?

I remember that judgmental era. I was raised religious and was very anti-abortion for a while but did a 180 turn when I moved out and met other young women who didn’t come from conservative families.

Heh heh heh. Laura, nobody’s gonna call me the worst president of their lifetimes anymore! Best day ever. Heh heh heh.

Also, I really think that stigma erodes every time someone speaks out. I feel the same way about mental health. Even when a celeb comes out and says “I’m bipolar” or whatever makes a huge difference. Sadly we live in a very judgmental world and so many people can’t see beyond their own experiences.

I’ve just seen a lot about the evil protestors.

Must be my elite bubble, mentions are all over my FB feed, not just personal experiences but links to experiences shared from across the country.

Yeah, ACA definitely needs help. I’m all for single-payer. I seriously doubt Trump has the answer.

Thanks for the correction. I thought Clinton was riffing on Reagen to appeal to conservatives. My bad. Also, I clarified what I meant by rare in a separate comment.

Hi — I hope you saw my addendum that explained that by rare I didn’t mean abortion should be stigmatized. I meant rare in the sense that we should provide education, birth control, family planning and support and so on so that women have more choices. I believe abortion is a medical procedure and have no moral

Everyone’s asking why so many white women voted for Trump and Emily’s post reveals exactly why. Their shrugging off of the idea of privilege is the very definition of it.

I don’t agree with the OP who said we should be disrespectfully disruptive like the Obama haters were. Protest can be respectful. And maybe there’s no coherent message at the moment, and yes, there is a lot of venting, but A LOT of people out there are protesting the fact that Donald ran on a platform of hate.

No tolerance for intolerance. Trump needs to make an emphatic statement that he does not condone the bigotry and sexism that he has embodied. You don’t get that not all people are protesting his legitimacy, they are protesting the demented values he’s propagating. We need to make it clear that we will be keeping watch

Tried to add: By rare I mean through planning and support, not that I think abortions are wrong. I see them as a necessary and voluntary medical procedure.

I may be too late to be seen, but everyone should head over to Emily Henderson’s blog to read this post. Em took a break from stylish designs to admit how crushed she was and ask her many readers why some of them voted for Trump. The amount of people who mentioned abortion astounded me. Many women claimed to be

Happy birthday. :-(

Me too. I know a lot of people voted for Trump for “other” reasons but I don’t understand how they overlooked all that. He had no clear policies on important issues, including terrorism, and now we’re all at his mercy. In my view, another major attack or war could happen and I can’t imagine Donald’s reaction. I’m

I watched Bill Maher tonight and he and his panel made the same arguments that the commenter did. Maher specifically asked about the “Not My President” protest and said, paraphrased, “We gave them shit about doing that, so we should suck it up.” All the guests — all liberal — agreed. I wonder if they had more nuanced

Well said! Thank you!

One afternoon of crafting that also includes Netflix binging and white wine, no doubt.