Happy Man

You learn something new every day. Thanks!

Unfortunately, he did. Competition lifts require just that you make it to the top position. All powerlifters drop it at the top of the lift in competition.

This is true. I did this one Sunday morning when I moved from the suburbs into DC 15 years ago (have since moved away). I learned that city people have poor control of their gag reflexes. So much puke on the sidewalks.

The headline is unintentionally hilarious. The rules about what constitute a catch have gotten so confusing that every catch is Schrodinger’s Cat(ch).

It’s a close one, but I gotta say that people who post the comment “This.” are the worst kinja people.

The funny thing is, the story is actually about 7 people going to dinner and getting into an argument about who didn’t get to try the signature clam appetizer. Must have been a Freudian slip on the writer’s part.

He concluded the interview by saying “Therefore, I’m creating a signature combat shoe to honor the troops”.

In his defense, the picture was taken after he put on the Steph Curry Dad Shoes.

+1/2 star...

Anyone else feels like after you see a few balls, they all look the same?

Thanks for posting this on salad night in the Happy Man household.

Sadly, it does not fit my macros. Wait...what were we talking about?

Can I still look down my nose at stuck up city folk in general though? I mean, I get it: You like sirens, expensive clothes, and paying for car rides, and hate cooking, lawns, and being alone with your thoughts. You’re not a big mystery, people.

Stop spreading fake news. Penises may be black or white, but vaginas are all the same color on the inside. Thanks, Pornhub!

Totally agree! It feels like the snark level in the articles and comments on Deadspin and the other Gizmodo sites has gotten out of hand, so this was a really welcome read.

This is a really great and uplifting read. More of this please, Deadspin!

Booze away, my friend. Me no judge.

Claire: You are my favorite Lifehacker author. Therefore, I’m willing to let this post slide :).

Far from it. I am conflicted though.

I’ll tolerate you calling me a dick, but I can’t let being called Darrell go. Dimebag Darrell was a hero of a man. Frankly, I’m not even worthy of being Dimebag Darrell’s dimebag.