Moving past the “Again”, since this was your first response to me...
Moving past the “Again”, since this was your first response to me...
Thanks for contributing to the fact-based dialogue.
Inmates, by definition, have not served their time. Cause they’re...still in prison, so...
Really good and rational comment.
Thank you. Way too many approved commentors on this site who keep reasonable viewpoints oppressed by just not responding to them.
Indeed there is. But gluten free items don’t fall under his purview. These are governed by Meh, the god of disappointing mediocrity. He also oversees handjobs.
+1 star(fish).
Came here expecting to see this, and disappointed it’s so far down. Fucking Deadspin: The same 20 dudes who managed to get out of the greys 5 years ago + a bunch of randos who cater to them.
You awful human being.
Funny, cause most of us finish prematurely when lucky enough to get the butt.
Um, you’re doing it wrong, dude. You’re supposed to beat off. Unless Kinja now integrates with Pornhub, in which case, give me all the Butts.
Can we get Burneko on this thread to tell us if Butt is butt?
Here is a young NFL player who IS butt:
Is it necessary to be a dick? The question was an honest one.
Perhaps I should have said almost entirely. But give me a break: This is the equivalent of sourcing a story about the media being unfair to Trump from Breitbart commentors.
I see your thermal carafe, and raise you an insulated gravy boat. It’s basically a plastic gravy boat with some voodoo type liquid in the base (aka. water) that you nuke and fill. Keeps the gravy hot, and people still know it’s a gravy boat.
Making sure I follow your logic: A dude breaks the law, so instead of sending him to prison as punishment, we pay for him to go to college?
But did you get a... ...Splinter?
This made me laugh, you dick. +1 framing hammer.
You’er asking Hamilton Nolan if adults drink milk. I’d suggesting asking an actual adult instead.