IMO, it’s as big as it needs to be, since some folks still haven’t gotten the message.
Yeah this is a three-part disaster: socially conditioned male entitlement, no real system for adequately treating our mentally ill citizens, and far too lax gun laws.
Lot of people on the GOP side who climbed a ladder to get where they are, and want to get elected so they can pull it up behind them.
I’m sorry, but she was off-time with her own uke accompaniment - which was too fast. She didn’t serve the song well. Her voice may well have more power and range than she showed, as my impression is that she was clearly nervous and not singing at her best - hence the speed. She might have done better to have used a…
Ummmm... I don’t know - I watched it again. I hear what you’re saying but at least the Male had some vocal chords. He actually sang well. She wasn’t that great of a singer and chose a dumb song to show off her vocal range. My favorite part though was when she blamed the Male for her not getting in because he was…
I do not doubt that Jordan is the world’s biggest Celine Dion fan.
Ehh I was all ready to agree with that, until I watched the clip. He was obviously much better than her and much more compelling. I think it was more that she wasn’t a strong enough performer to hold their attention against the baby and husband.
So lawyers shouldn’t defend people they know are guilty?
That’s a defender’s job. That’s a noble calling. I mean he gave us the Kardashian’s and all, so I’m not putting him up for sainthood and he married Kris, like how messed up was he. However we need people to defend the innocent, the guilty and the we don’t know, other wise what is the point of law?
Did anyone else read this as “a Batman movie”?
That’s my signature (and only) hair look because I’m lazy and untalented with hair. :(
AKA: my daily hair care routine.
Hi. Why do you continue to refer to them as “Armed militia”? They are white men armed to the teeth and have taken over government property. Illegally. They are not a “militia” and you, and everyone, knows this bit of information. What is the guideline you are following that requires (?) you to refer to them with that…
I’ve been posting Snopes and Factcheck links on grandmas’ posts. One shot back that George Soros owns Factcheck, to which I posted the Factcheck post about how Soros does not own them. That shut her up. No mercy for the grandmas.
Facebook makes a lot of people angry, insecure, envious, depressed, lonely, etc.
Another reason I do not do facebook.
This is exactly why I’m avoiding Facbook to the next 300 days or so.
Theory: Facebook makes you angry. The republican grandmas I know are on facebook 24/7 and they’re all sharing propaganda with each other. know how you used to get like one conservative chain email a weeks from them? Now they do like 10 a day in the form of fb posts.