My boyfriend, Michael Avenatti, is on Morning Joe trying to make heads or tails of the word salads being thrown around by Ghouliani and Dump! Tall order!
My boyfriend, Michael Avenatti, is on Morning Joe trying to make heads or tails of the word salads being thrown around by Ghouliani and Dump! Tall order!
With friends like Ghouliani, who needs enemies, right?
Sister Sarah will just sternly remind us all that none of this matters and the president is keeping us all safe, secure, and wealthy and if you don’t believe that, my gosh, how dare you call yourself an American.
Yeah, I’m not buying that Rudy is THAT senile that he hadn’t planned to reveal it on TV. It must have been just about ready to leak anyways—-some proof that Trump knew and reimbursed Cohen.
I don’t think there is anything borderline about it. This was a lawyer blowing up his clients legal defense on TV for the sake of personal publicity. It’s insane. While representing a client facing an obstruction of justice charge, he admitted that his client obstructed justice.
SHS’s eye just rolled that last 23 degrees into oblivion trying to figure out what the fuck to say at the podium tomorrow.
Also, after the WH press corps soiled itself over Michelle Wolf calling Sarah Sanders a liar, Giulani just confirmed that, yes, she’s been lying to them for months. Do you think any of them will call her on it?
So, Trump is going to tweet in a few hours that Giuliani has never been his lawyer and he barely knows him, amirite?
LeVar Burton and Ta Nehisi Coates need to appear in Kanye’s bedroom some night dressed as ghosts and make Ye read some damn books.
Another case of Asimov’s Cult of Ignorance - “My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
I often try to pinpoint the moment when “everyone is entitled to their opinions” somehow erroneously morphed into “everyone’s opinion is entitled to respect.” Because NO.
Louder for the back row!
We need to stop this “I’m entitled to my opinion” non-sense. All opinions are not of value nor should they be respected. I know absolutely nothing about nuclear physics. My opinion on the topic of nuclear physics makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich.
Right, he felt that. I don’t think Kanye gets any kind of that talk...straight talk...from anyone around him.
Credit to Van for responding, in the moment and in the face a huge celebrity and icon and not backing down and still delivering some really real shit to Kanye’s face.
Yeah this. I think that All the President’s Men really fucked up a couple of generations of American journalists into thinking that they’re crusaders for right and justice, when they can’t even get a sniff of people who are doing actually dangerous work in journalism.
It’s all a game to these people. Cillizza views Trump and his Goon Squad the same way the Pelicans view the Warriors. Sure, they’re the opponent for a little while, but after it’s all over we should be cordial.
And as always, Maggie Haberman was the Ground Zero of Dumbass Motherfucker Tweets on this topic. Motherfuck the New York Times.
allowed for the construction of buildings four to five stories tall