
It’s believed that about 80% of the residents survived (6,000 total residents), many carried to safety in Misenum by the Roman navy. An estimated 2,000 people in Pompeii who stayed in the city and survived the first day were almost certainly killed by the pyroclastic flows that enveloped the town the second day of

The 32-year-old man reported himself to police after getting medical treatment ....... “He showed up at the station to self-report, I guess. I’m not sure what the motivation is—if it was remorse or guilt feelings or just wanting to do the right thing,”


I had read that Kurt Russell de-aging was mostly done w/ make up and prosthetics. Mostly.

“NASA first caught wind of the dust storm...”

Needs more Ivanka, Sarah Sanders, and Melenomia

knee jerking and reactionary.

In this China is playing 3D chess while Trump has soiled himself while eating crayons trying to draw a stickman on a paper bag.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Seriously though...

Once, two child-men got their picture taken together. The end.

Morons elected a moron.

I was surprised she didn’t melt into a puddle of goo screaming “What a world! I’m mellltinggggg!”

Like driving cars into peaceful protests?

“McConnell didn’t address any specifics about why he opposes the FCC net neutrality protections.”

I had the same reaction.

Silly rabbit, republicans never learn.

I don’t feel so good....

It lives up to the hype. At the end of our screening there was dead silence at what we had just seen and more than a few gasps- then cheering. I was pretty stunned trying to wrap my head around it.

Having seen it- I can truthfully say you’re wrong.