
“The print media is so left wing as to be meaningless dribble which accounts for why the industry is and will fade away. Just no credibility.”

Why would an alleged media conglomerate like Sinclair require their news programming to offer “opinions” at all. The news isn’t about “opinions” it’s about getting facts out there. 

Now playing

John Oliver did a fantastic piece on Sinclair last year.

The Telecommunications Act of 1996 (one of too many Clinton capitulations) has been an unmitigated disaster for the people of the United States. It has only helped the corporate propagandists and monopolists.

not the fuckin place dude....

You are not being funny nor original.

If only every party in this story is equipped with AR 15s, there will be much less damage and casualty.

Luckily, DL had already started repairing the relationship with his parents. So at least he doesn’t have to live with having not talked to his mother for over a decade before she passed.

As heartbreaking as this is to start with its even more so when you know Doublelift’s story.

So - your argument is either transferrence or that you don’t care. Either way it’s clear you’re not holding your leadership to any moral standard. I would like to point out that Obama was not on your list.

What’s it actually like aligning your faith in our great country to a womanizing, nepotistic, lying, manipulative, zenophobe?

Interesting to see? They’ve been socialist nations for decades. Your platitudes and Breitbart-inspired “rapefugees” handwringing are irrelevant.

Maybe you should stand between endless rows of crosses like I have, and let that enormity of that sink in. And then think long and hard about what’s more important to you party or country.

“My Fox, my Fox, why hast thou forsaken me??”

In the spirit of Holy Week:

Jesus, that’s good.


If she is indeed finished, I might start to think that there is a god.

going away for a while to nurse your wounds, another Holy Week move