
The one that withered and died as soon as she was old enough to understand the hateful babble that her dad spews.

Seriously if they’re just gonna lie or avoid every question, why does the press even still go? I mean, if ostensibly the press is there to get the White House’s reaction, but the reaction will be utterly pointless/useless/obscuring of the facts, then why keep going to report it? Are you that scared your network will

Or hits her pinky toe on the corner of her dresser

I hope she steps bare-footed on a Lego.

She doesn’t have to. She chooses to. There are a whole host of reasons to pity her. That is not one of them.

Oh, Sarah. Just one question...

“...we’ve addressed it extensively, there’s just nothing else to add, just because you guys continue to ask the same question over and over and over again doesn’t mean we that have to keep coming up with new things to say.”

Seriously, we’d be so much better off if the entirety of the WH press corps was replaced by the Parkland kids.

No shit. That was a fact I even had on the tip of my tongue. Those WH reporters are fucking useless.

She’s halfway to Clouseau’s boss’s facial twitches.

Nobody in the goddamned room will challenge anything they say because they don’t want to be sent to their rooms like a pouty teenager.

You know that’s where this is going. trump’s terrified Stormy will tell the world he’s got a small penis, and Stormy knows this.

Great job, CNN, just allowing her bald-faced lie to go unchallenged in your goddamn census tweet.

LOL. I like that “telling lies and talking about porn stars” is now on Sanders’ CV. Keep it up press corps.

Gosh, I almost feel bad for he...hahahahahahaha... no.. no, she’s an awful person and I hope bad things happen to her.

Still catering to his racist fanbase, or just being another rich old racist white man?

@45: “If only there had been a good guy with a gun...”

Obviously the president cares about any individual who’d be harmed through no fault of their own.

Yeah, she’s totally interviewing high-powered divorce lawyers, isn’t she?