
Holy shit, the salt about this movie on this site from both the editorial staff and the commenters is just making me want to watch it more out of spite. I know it’ll probably be disappointing, but it’s still hilarious to see you guys go out of your way to run it down so much.

Ugg...name calling..how very boring of you. So you thought you would come here and say the same thing because it was super productive when they were saying it?

Brazil the flip side of the USA, in the southern hemisphere. White supremacy, Portuguese style.

You are regurgitated waste. Go soil your peers.

A racist comment. How shocking.

Look forward to the day when Hollywood makes a grand biopic about this brave, beautiful, Black woman who was shockingly assassinated in her prime fighting for the poor and the defenseless. Wonder will it be Angelina Jolie that gets to portray her or Emma Stone?

Nice try, Dmitri. The culprits in this case are most likely police officers.

Do you want to know what happens when turning a blind eye to police brutality becomes official government policy? Just look at Brazil.

Phil Spector comes to mind, but that’s about it.

Well apparently someone is already working some conjure on her, got her looking like she 44...

I would have sent that mess off to an obeah man with the quickness. She would have been walking upside down and looking like unholy Hell and I’d just let that work itself out.

Martin Shrekli or whatever just got sentenced to a couple years in prison. They got that one right. He’s even a white CEO! But that’s one raindrop in a sea of failure on the behalf of our criminal “justice” system.

Wait, is this sista Jamaican for real? And you just gave her a bunch of your bodily fluids and hair?

People need to stop that shit! These motherfuckers don’t even bother to do a proper apology, they never make amends but simple fuckers go on forgiving them so these assholes can go on to do this shit to someone else.

sometimes people just need their ass beat

We’re going to get enough of forgiving these monsters. We ain’t gotta “go high” every fucking time. Facing the consequences and being confronted by the unabashed anger and pain your actions have caused is always the best formula for reforming a person.

If someone were to beat the living shit out of this bitch I wouldn’t feel bad about it AT ALL.

Just imagine her trying to explain this in a job interview. I mean, she’s definitely an ideal addition to any cubicle farm.

Why anyone would do a large chain pizza is beyond me. The little local mom and pop is almost always the far better food. Little more expensive, but almost always worth it.