I would really like to have been a fly on the wall of Wayne LaPierre’s office when Trump uttered that line.
I would really like to have been a fly on the wall of Wayne LaPierre’s office when Trump uttered that line.
This is the most likely scenario. Something about her testimony yesterday shook her up. Maybe a question tipped her to something bigger, maybe she had a come to Jesus moment, but something about yesterday made her eager to get out of dodge.
One of the best arguments you could make for helping Democrats flip the House (and the Senate, god willing) it’s because if they don’t have enough to impeach Trump/Pence they may very well have the ability to get left-leaning policies passed because he’s that fucking stupid and desperate for a win.
She’s just starting to understand how deadly serious this is for her, and she don’t wanna go to jail.
Whoever is the next person to compliment one of his neckties.
I think Hannity wants Sarah Huckabee Sanders’ job. I’d bet money he already sent his resume and it’s on file.
She admitted in a Congressional Hearing to lying for the President.
So why now? Kushner’s fall from grace? Kelly’s pending ouster? *45's Parscale/2020 announcement? Her testimony makes this a good time to get out, lawyer up, and start writing the book that’ll get her immunity? Something else entirely?
God if it’s fucking Hannity I don’t know what I would do. Though I wouldn’t be surprised.
So will Trump’s next communications director be someone from Fox News or a concierge from one of his hotels?
I believe she’s been rolling over on Trump all along. Under too.
Did anyone watch Trump at the bipartisan gun meeting? If I were comms director and heard him say “take the guns first, then worry about due process...” I’d immediately head for the exit, too.
You are a thousand percent correct. This is as high as this lopsided, flounder of a lady-Icarus goes, so she may as well go for the gold!?
Trump loves her and I see why. Lying with no muss, no fuss, no sweaty lip, no quivering voice. Obviously Spicer couldn’t hack these job demands, but she was born for it...like Goebbels.
I have taken to only reading your columns on this site because you are consistently thoughtful, and you are, without question, the best writer. Your outrage at how we are compulsively, unerringly, and predictably dehumanized, and your persistence in addressing in day in and day out, is commendable. I am tired. I know…
In the ongoing search for solutions to police brutality and state violence, black America has proposed some pretty…
“Massive voter fraud in Southern Californian congressional race! We’ll have the details after the break.”
My vote is “shit pants, fall down, shit pants again, crawl under something” because Donny Don’t Run.
Says the man, who is guarded 24/27 by the Secret Service. Also his entire, worthless, extended family.
I just, I mean, there were words that came out of her mouth, but did they really even mean anything? Do they ever? Have they ever? What is life?