
I just spent the last hour chatting with an Archibald Prize-winner, talking about the analogue is making a return, about how the artist’s individuality is in every individual brushstroke, about how the tactility and tangibility of art is something that cannot be effectively clone and copy-pasted into ones and zeros,

Dexy’s kills me too. Like most everyone else, I think “Geno” before “Come on Eileen””, but Geno never got any play in the US at all.

Now playing

lol , the American phenomenon of massive UK/Irish acts regarded as one hit wonders is always weird .. I mean look at Aha , one song (with THAT video) in the US , and a metric tonne of hits in a lot of the rest of the world.. I mean they did a bloody James Bond movie for gods sake!

Found the American.

Dave Anthony, who used to be friends with him back in the day, has talked about it on one of his podcasts. Basically, severe alcoholism happened to Jay Johnston.

That news definitely bummed me out.

Has she tried being a nice person?

You're trying so hard, little buddy! Keep at it

We trans people live rent-free in you idiots’ heads

did you know saying that trans people were targeted during the holocaust doesn’t diminish the other groups who were targeted? unlike you who seems to want to diminish holocaust victims. not a cute look tbh.

It’s not appropriating the Holocaust to correctly describe the people that were targeted, persecuted, imprisoned and killed by the Nazis. It is not denying the fundamental anti-semitism of the Holocaust to recognize the multiple other groups that were also targeted, whatever their numbers. In fact, it is essential to

Trans rights are basically at 2004 U.S. elections level right now politically. It’s still an incredibly effect bugaboo for huge swaths of the population, and J/K Rowling can get away with saying “tr*nny” as much as she wants, just like Ann Coulter could call a presidential candidate a “f*ggot” on television back then

First of all, no. You’re wrong. Second of all, even if true, so what? They absolutely targeted trans people. It’s not about “not liking” Rowling. It’s about the fact that she’s a bigoted piece of shit.

By “normal people” I think you mean ignorant assholes. And, yes, the world is full of them.

Is it really bullying to say “don’t buy a video game because the billionaire owner of this franchise is not a serious person”?

Yep. Let’s exploit all the exploited teens by showing how they were exploited

Plot twist: This time around, communism isn’t a red herring!

Honestly, I don’t understand the value in the IP here. I love the classic movie and it still holds up really well. But that’s because it’s a really well crafted movie with great characters, good humor, and a solid mystery. You don’t need the Clue characters to do that. The Knives Out movies and The Afterparty prove

I’m going home to sleep with my wife!!

This makes total sense. Tarantino is the kind of guy who is narcissistic/confident enough to write some masturbatory bullshit but also self aware enough to realize that it is bullshit and scrap it for something a little less masturbatory. And I say that as a fan.