What, you mean it’s a bad idea in a consumer economy to make people pay exorbitant rates to stay alive AND demand that they keep buying shit!?
What, you mean it’s a bad idea in a consumer economy to make people pay exorbitant rates to stay alive AND demand that they keep buying shit!?
Dr. Ruth and Richard Simmons on the same day. Farewell, legends. The 80s really are over.
I recently rewatched The Shining and it’s so strange the discourse around her in it because her performance not only isn’t bad, it’s uniquely good. It’s honestly one of the most brutally realistic depictions of a woman in an abusive relationship. It’s interesting too because throughout the movie she’s legitimately…
ROFL cope. Biden’s finished. Time to face reality
Clooney is one of the biggest Democrat fundraisers. He threw a fundraiser for Biden just 3 weeks ago netting him $28 million. Before making an ignorant comment, I would highly suggest understanding the situation first.
Anybody who believes that the Democrats aren’t actively trying to lose this election is an ignorant moron.
Sadly in the US, the current market trend is to keep working at 66 if you are healthy enough to do it. With pensions pretty much no longer being a thing for most people and the last few years really fucking over 401Ks, the later baby boomers just can’t afford to stop working in their mid 60s, if they expect to live…
Thank you. It is worth remembering just how many walls she knocked down in 1997 and just how much shit she took for it.
While I certainly don’t feel sorry for her, it’s undeniable she’s been put through the ringer, both for things that were outside of her control as well as for her own flaws and shortcomings.
Since many of the posters here (me included) are often criticizing the writing on the site, it’s worth saying -- this review is very well written.
“What is the DEAL with being clocked in the fucking FAAAA-CE?”
Show me on the doll where the women won’t touch you.
I think it’s less “they shouldn’t allow him to say those (woke) things!” and more “Netflix/Spotify shouldn’t be paying a man money who’s platforming Alex Jones and has been broadcasting demonstrably false and harmful antivax info for years”.
Today I Learned: Joe Rogan is apparently a comedian
Just a small town girl, living in her lonely world
She took a midnight train going to Scamsville
She should’ve stopped believin’ a whole lot earlier..
No, they live at the WB water tower in Burbank, a 15 minute drive from there.