
good opportunity to plug sister publication The Onion’s A Very Fatal Murder. Great parody.

That’s definitely a genre I could get into.

*shakes fist* Paxtooooon!

That reminds me of the time I was working as a crew member on another Bill Paxton movie, Twister. Everyone ended up tripping balls because the lobster chowder was spiked with angel dus- HEY WAIT A MINUTE!

The casket’s going to fit like a glove. 

Aw. Now he’ll never find the real killers.

Just terrible. My father died the same way

saying she was merely “asking questions”

rooted in her firing from Star Wars series The Mandalorian

Let me be as erudite as I can: fuck off. Not that I love the Disney Corporation, but that I hate idiots and antisemites.

That person’s entire job is to evaluate whether their studio is likely to lose money or make money by purchasing the rights and spending money on P&A.

An “anonymous studio head” hates it? Sounds right up my alley.

I wonder how much longer AV Club will be on the Kinja platform. I think it took Lifehacker a few months until they switched. The Takeout is still on Kinja too, but the comments have been disabled and the output has dropped a ton. 

Just wanted to mention that AVClub and Splinter are now beside Jezebel on the Paste masthead so everything is nice and official.

If cocaine were a person, it would be Bob Guccione.

Never understood the appeal of KISS other than the cool costumes which aren’t even as cool as the ones GWAR wear. 

Yeah, but a hologram can’t replicate the authentic KISS experience of being groped by Gene Simmons.

Johnny Chesterfield Q. Fucking Christ.

It’s mainstream, it’s for jocks.