
As far as I can remember, it seems like the past three seasons have come out every other year, with the renewal coming around midway through the off-year. Hopefully that trend continues and we get a season 4 renewal in the next couple months, but I would be happy with I Think You Should Leave going on hiatus/ending as

In principle I don’t mind the idea of posting comments being behind a paywall, especially if a site/community built up that way from the get-go, but to suddenly apply a paywall to the AV Club’s comments would permanently kill it. I don’t mind paying to support a site I use a lot (assuming it means I see no ads), but

Oh so you can see the content but can only comment on it fi you pay?

And hopefully Paste realizes that a really vibrant comments section is a valuable thing for  a content site.

Something something AI AV Club irony something

The table saw got caught with child porn. That whole cast is pretty screwed up.

1 - I’m interested

The book is highly influential. The guy who made the Monkey Island games has said, Stranger Tides was the biggest inspiration.  Shame it was adapted into a fairly lame film.

Once again, for the Americans:

He also had a really great performance in an episode of Tim & Eric’s Bedtime Stories alongside Bob Odenkirk.

Ugh, we lost a legendary “that guy” today. I love and excessively cite Ebert’s rule that any movie with M. Emmet Walsh or Harry Dean Stanton in it is worth seeing off their presence alone, even if brief.

the Altman Popeye rips, ya joyless hacks

I mean it was a dumb post but he explained what he meant within the post.  I don’t see how he can be blamed because people chose to stop reading after the first sentence.



Huge respect to Roddenberry for kicking off Star Trek. But TNG didn’t get really good until they kicked Roddenberry to the curb, so I don’t see his “vision” as necessarily being all that great. And, by all accounts, he didn’t like Wrath of Khan, so his tastes are questionable.

that includes crew members not making out with each other

Don Lemon is not Walter Cronkite or even a particularly good person, but it sure sounds like he committed the cardinal sin of actually doing the job of a journalist and that kind of thing would NEVER be welcome in Elon’s world.

“A New York Post article claimed that it was because Lemon made too many demands, “including a free Tesla Cybertruck, a $5 million upfront payment on top of an $8 million salary, an equity stake in the multibillion-dollar company, and the right to approve any changes in X policy as it relates to news content.””

Congratulations pranksters, you got to have a conversation with Tucker Carlson. Talk about a self-own