
Who the heck writes these articles? Are they supposed to be funny?

I don’t think the author knows what camping is

Not only would I let them know they had lost all future business, but that my extensive online reviews would let people know they pull that BS.

You know sometimes I think modern technology unfairly punishes people for revealing them in a bad moment and then promoting it all over the world, but in this case I’m pretty certain he deserves whatever happens to him, personally or professionally.

They’re their nation’s gestapo

Does anyone care about the Gala but celebrities?

I can’t imagine what she must look like without makeup

I don’t even pray for live humans

I can’t help but still feel that there are too many allegedly bisexual singers and that they’re just using it to sell records because men get turned on by bisexuality, so I get when people are suspicious.

I had a THC infused dinner party and I used this recipe with nitrous infused THC gin. Thank you.

What if you tell the judge you believe in Jury Nullification?

I wear gloves on my commute, we don’t wear them for aesthetic reasons...

Do you guys even look at your article photos to see if they mesh with your titles?

In YOUR OWN PHOTO the lady isn’t even “wearing black”

Do Americans who lie for the President for a living actually expect “respect”?

As a Canadian I’d say keep her but I live in the USA now.

Who’s forcing people to move to NYC and own cars without parking spots?

Kanye seems like a nice guy

Hey if you can afford that kind of car you can afford insurance. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Wow they must be desperate, but why is overstock going full r-tard?