I literally tell people I’m kicking them out. Nobody ever argues.
I literally tell people I’m kicking them out. Nobody ever argues.
Holy crap.T his is serious child abuse. 300 VIDEOS!
How much of modern women self image problems are directly caused by women’s magazines?
I have aproblem with her very existance. We live in an age of kings and pricnesses again?W hat the fuck, England. Equality. Look it up.
The Supreme court is made up of cowards and religious nut jobs.
WHere’s your “update apparently no matter what info you enter it says you may have been affected”?
In what way does saying your personal info “may” have be released at all helpful?
If she’s racist drunk, she’s racist sober.
So she won’t identify herself or press charges so I’m not sure what her expectations are.
You know men can’t be mothers or wives, right? Women characters will always be the only ones that are mothers and wives.
Any woman who works for Trump is a traitor to their gender.
It’s been twenty years since the unelected Princess who married a man she didn’t love because of royal politics died. I didn’t know her. But I don’t miss her. Get over it people.
A lot of people won’t hassle someone willing to pop them in the nuts
He comes across as a selfish, immature individual.
WHAt a quack. ALSO don’t forget she’s responsible for the anti-vax bs because of dr Jenny McCarthy
I am a skeptical, cynical optimist. I think most things will work out, but I believe most people do things for selfish reasons. I lack faith in politicians, and I am repeatedly proven right, but in our society something is wrong with you if you live this way.
And created a porn actress.
I’m sure their families are just as excited as you are
Perhaps the individual teens should be not be responsible for their health
I think you’re mixing up sex dolls and sex robots...