
A lot of parents just disappear when they have kids and then re-appear when the kids are a little older. I have multiple friends I haven’t seen SINCE THEIR WEDDING.

Hey Texans, explain to me why your state isn’t the worst. Thanks.

I like children very much I just have no desire to reproduce. That’s it.

I have to assume this hurts the parents more than him. Usually when we ex-communicate a close family member it’s a breaking point where we no longer care. Think about it, that 6 year parent would rather continue to send annoying stuff to their child than speak to them like an adult.

“hey dad. If you have an email and it’s not written by you, to me, don’t send it. Thanks!”

I’m not an engineer or a neuroscientist yet I know that send a “Manifesto” of ANY KIND to my ENTIRE ORGANIZATION would be a TERRIBLE IDEA.

Is it legal to charge more based on gender in Australia?

He didn’t really specify any specific policies or changes to be made.

Yes I agree. These people have bad decision making skills

Whistle blowing to who? Society? Management?

The guy is wrote it is not “stupid”. I mean he’s highly educated and an engineer. He made an awful decision, yes, but my question is: What did he think would happen? Best case scenario, nobody wants to work with you, especially women, but somehow you retain your job while gaining infamy.

Ok that’s just ridiculous, but yes I know it happens. I’m never going to say “not all men”, because fuck yes, tons of men suck, but us “normals” would never try and prove we’re better. Perhaps men and women are DIFFERENT but no side is better or worse, and we need both to get along.

Unless we see service records these claims are meaningless

Celebrities are so fucking clueless

Not to blame the victim but fucking use condoms morons

I’m just honest, because a rude stranger’s feelings aren’t my primary concern.

Her mid section tattoo really ruins an otherwise attractive women

There is no possible scenario where men and women will achieve equality while one side demands special treatment. I allow EVERYONE to go ahead of me and hold the door for men and women.