
I'm curious but squeamish. She kinda just looked like a mummy.

She is already learning for herself without being told, thankyouverymuch.

I remember my parents freaking out about rat poison and razor blades!! My parents warned me every year to "inspect" each piece for tampering, and to immediately throw away anything that wasn't wrapped. 9 year old me was smart enough to know that the razor blade/ rat poison thing was a joke.

People look at me like I'm from Mars when I say I don't enjoy the effects of alcohol much. Two pints and I'm on the bathroom floor, thanking the porcelain gods for the fact my hair is too short to puke on. I love the taste of good beer. I can't stand the effects of more than one.

Thanks, I have a daughter. (Lol, reading comprehension!) Please note my response to JayRice4, because that sums it all up.

All of my friends were strangers once. I met my spouse by being friendly to a stranger who happened to be working behind the counter while I was a paying customer (unkowingly) keeping him from closing the store. Saying "hi" is NOT harassment.

I met my spouse by chatting with a stranger. Granted, he was the guy behind the counter, and I was a paying customer passing through town on a road trip, and really in need of some conversation!

Good to know I am teaching my 4yo to harass strangers by saying hi to people as we walk through the neighborhood. I didn't know my friendly nature was harassment. Thanks for the heads up.

Several years ago, I was involved in an abusive relationship. One night, Crazy Manboy ransacked the apartment- throwing food at me, breaking furniture, ripping my clothes, etc. I called 911. Two male officers show up and say that I can file civil damages for my broken things, but, "Honey, it's not domestic violence.

I wish I could star your comment x1000.


My brother had a "destination wedding" only because he'd recently moved cross country. His wedding was in our home state. He rented a million+ dollar house for the week so hotel rooms weren't an issue. He paid my gas, and gas for a few other financially challenged attendees. His wife asked that we wear appropriate

It's as much of a drug as caffeine or sugar. Marijuana... hey, at least it's not crack. I can think of many Rx drugs far more dangerous than cannabis.

This!! Where are the not-white Barbies? Last time I glanced at the Barbie aisle, I saw nothing but white, blonde haired, blue eyed Barbie.

I had Barbie forced upon me as a little girl by every well-intentioned friend and extended family member. All I wanted was Legos! I never got Legos, but my brothers were good at sharing.

True. I am a bit of a size queen, though I would never comment negatively on the appearance of someone's body, especially their genitals, if I'm going to sleep with them. I have heard so many men say "I'm 6 inches!" But when the moment arrived, it was more like 4. I've even encountered a micropeen who was convinced

My booty can't fit in anything but flowing skirts or spandex. I wear yoga pants and leggings proudly. You're just jealous of us ladies who make yoga pants look good.

I'm going to be "that person" yet again. Stop calling it "gay marriage" and instead say "marriage equality." Signed, "that" bisexual girl

I searched Amazon and it mentions in his bio about 7th Heaven.