I once saw a very drunk, very confused young man trying to stick a beer bottle up his ass whilst crying. I was at a party and went to an upstairs restroom, only to see that monstrosity. When he saw me, he didn't stop, but just stared deeply and sadly into my eyes. I then gently closed the door and left that house…
Nothing is stopping you from running the same experiment gender swapped if you really want to try to say something.
It's really impressive/disheartening to see how she, even though "drunk," says she wants one thing, and how many times some of them literally say, "no we're going to go here instead." Boundaries: good guys respect them!
Nothing wrong with that at all! You both wanted to share a special moment with your loves ones! Being surrounded by "I Want To Be Viral Video King Forever" props in a public place by a guy who is openly telling you he dreads being alone is something else again.
Mutually agreeing to share that moment with friends and family (lovely!) is not the same thing. I'm talking about the detached-from-reality Disney Princess fantasy of expecting/demanding what amounts to a performance art piece in front of a large public crowd of strangers. That's not "including loved ones in your…
Me and you are simpatico on this. Homeboy can chime in all he wants with a Websters definition but can never understand what it's like waking up with a strangers hand on your genitals. I don't wish that on anyone, but anyone who has experienced that would characterize it as violent.
Yeah. I agreed to marry my SO when he proposed, but had it been in public I would have just had a meltdown.
Totally. And even IF you've discussed it and you're 100% sure you'll get a yes — are you ALSO SURE that your intended is keen on public emotional displays and isn't at all a shy or reserved or private person? So much thought goes into these, and it is clearly all the wrong thoughts about all the wrong issues.
Cornering someone in public, in front of a crowd, and hitting them with a surprise marriage proposal is not romantic. It is cruel, and a little bit manipulative ("they'll totally be less likely to say no in front of all these people!"). I really wish this would become A Thing That Never Happens Again.
What really cracks me up is you think the Jez mods or editors are going to read this thread and side with you. That is fucking priceless. Flag away asshole. Flag your heart out.
Oh darn! Shit dude, Flagged and dismissed?! My world is crumbling because some obtuse asshole who refuses to accept rape as an inherently violent act dismissed my comment. It's gonna take a few days to get over this, to be honest.
Why bother? If you can't understand that invading someone's body while they're asleep is a violent act, why the fuck should I care about having a rational discourse with you? What the fuck makes you think I could possibly give a fuck about having a level headed conversation with you? Fuck off. Have someone pull that…
Oh yeah. They never want a flight attendant for example who is anywhere above 5 foot 6. If you're in a job where people will see you, a public affairs, and/or you deal with customers directly, they will scrutinize you heavily.
Oh fuck off. la di fucking da, you c&p'd something from Webster's. Good for you. Now go check out the Oxford definition.
Fuck yeah, for that "fuck them" attitude. Just to satisfy my curiosity, can you elaborate on what you mean by this quote? Is it that it's difficult to get a job of any kind when you don't fit certain standards?
To each their own, but I thought most of the "before" shots were better than their "after" shots. Beautiful chins changed to long and pointy things. Lovely round faces changed to be more ovular. And the beautiful skin tones being whitewashed.
I am ambivalent about plastic surgery at this point, but I geniunely wonder what happens psychologically when you wake up with a different face.
That's really great that they told you that.