
I knew a woman who died in a house fire, trapped by her hoard, firefighters unable to reach her. The fire was particularly difficult to put out because of the amount of trash and stuff in the place. Hoarding can become a public safety / health/ fire hazard.

I was thinking the same. Is that the actual house, or is that a stock photo?

The first time I had one of my more severe migraines (mine come in all varieties), I hightailed it to the doctor because I thought I'd had a seizure or stroke. Slurred speech, loss of motor control, double vision, brain "zaps,", inability to form coherent sentences... some symptoms lasting for days. I envy people who

Even if there are secrets and promises within one friendship, that doesn't negate the need /desire for several friends, with whom you can share other parts of your Self. Sibling rivalry and jealousy is incredibly common. It doesn't mean the kids' beliefs are grounded in fact.

The more I talk with friends, the more rampant this stuff seems to be. I think 1 in 5 is too low, as is the 43.9%. I would put those numbers at about 1 in 3 and about 60+% amongst my female friends. I think the male numbers should be higher as well. I am not a scientist nor a statistician, but all these numbers seem

Blueberries Baklava Baseball, because alliteration adds to the cuteness.

If I had to eat the same thing almost every day, with very little variation (as is the case with most dogs in the US), I could totally see myself sneakily wolfing down half a stick of butter at the very first opportunity.

I will buy the occasional mid-tier product myself, mainly because it's almost impossible to find decent secondhand jeans or dress pants to accommodate my colossal booty. My religious beliefs make me think twice about supporting companies that utilize sweatshops, so when I do have to buy new (especially leggings,

Fast fashion is way too expensive for the crummy quality, IMO. Find a thrift store in an affluent community. Your closet will be loaded with things from Banana Republic, BCBG, United Colors of Benneton, J Jill and the like, and it will cost 1/3 the price of some fast fashion, and last 3x as long.

correction: his mascara.

This. This should be the top comment.

Does the SC DMV require women to wash off their makeup before taking a license photo?

Hey hey, y'all shut yer pie holes. There are plenty of socially liberal folks working to change minds and policies here in Dixie. We're just far outnumbered by the right wingnut Bible-thumping Jim Crow-loving whackos. We are still working on integrating our public schools here... yet I still hold hope for this region.

Careful! You don't wanna get Greece on your shirt. All these puns are making me Hungary.

"The lashes of her mascara-coated eyes beating like the wings of a hummingbird" sounds like something out of a wonderful erotic novel. Imagine if he used his talents with a heart of compassion! If it weren't littered with such ugliness and vitriol... ugh. I can't even. I'm amazed at how poetic it is, although the

I'm Russian to find a comeback to your fabulous pun.

A fetus is a developingmammal or other viviparous vertebrate ***after the embryonic stage and before birth.*** (Thank you, Wikipedia!)

I am wondering how you can abandon a fetus. Is it still a fetus if it's no longer a uterine parasite?

I will add that I once was a doula for a friend. She had a 32 hour labor. Her partner and I held her hands and legs as she spent 45 minutes pushing, staying by her side the entire 32 hours. It wasn't as gruesome as people make it sound. I was more like, "Wow! Vaginas can do that?!" BTW, I am so squeamish I can't look

Ever notice how many child stars grow up to be totally batshit, or at least go through a batshit phase? Li-Lo. Britney. Miley. Danny Bonaducci. The late King of Pop, MJ.