I will spare you the details about my bed rest, induction, complications, and preterm delivery. She is bright, friendly, healthy, talkative, creative, helpful and all around awesome little kid!
I will spare you the details about my bed rest, induction, complications, and preterm delivery. She is bright, friendly, healthy, talkative, creative, helpful and all around awesome little kid!
Your support worker is a wise woman.
Human milks naturally contains cannabinoids and opioids. Tell your friend to google "Melanie Dreher." Babies of mothers who responsibly consume cannabis during pregnancy and breastfeeding have smarter, happier babies and potentially less incidence of PPD for mom. Unfortunately, children's services agencies don't…
Thank you for a fabulous reply! Religious non-Christian here. We wish "Happy Holidays" to everyone, because most people celebrate something around the winter solstice, even if they only plan to celebrate the new year by getting drunk. I am not a Christian, and I operate on the assumption that other people might not be…
Aww, thanks! I plan to warn my daughter (and any other hypothetical future children) very frankly of the tragedies I've encountered, both personally and amongst kids I went to school with, all because of getting wasted. I think all kids could benefit from such a frank discussion, and would be far less likely to do…
I would like to think we live in a world where people didn't lie about being raped. Don't fool yourself. Remember the story last week about the guy who faked his suicide to get out of marrying his long distance girlfriend? I'm in no way saying it's a common thing to "fake" a rape story. I'm saying there are some truly…
Your last sentence is, in a nutshell, one of many frank discussions I plan to have with my daughter (and any other kids I may have in the future) when she/they come of age.
I apologize for the small typo. Too late to edit.
If they passed a law making all inebriated sex illegal, my spouse and I could charge each other with rape after every New Year's celebration we've ever been to.
I have spent almost 20 years of my life in one of the college towns highlighted in the university rape case that's currently a hot button issue on Jezebel. I spent many evenings in my teens and early twenties going to off-campus frat parties.
WBC claims not to have funerals, apparently because the bible.
At least it wasn't a mare breastfeeding her foal in public. *That* would be shameful.
Boiling water works wonders on killing ants! I had a colony take over a dead potted plant in the backyard. They were killed immediately upon being drowned with a tea kettle full of liquid death. Go for the old school remedies before you bust out the pesticides. Many of the old-school "insecticides" work just as well…
Sure, they missed blurring out her crotch and it made it past the final edit. Yes. Of course. An honest mistake. And I'm the Queen of England.
Wait a minute. I thought God made girls to:
I watch kiddy TV shows before I let my preschool age kid watch them. I'm not worried that it will be sleazy, but I am concerned about advertising, gender stereotypes, and that sort of thing. I do find the ratings to be helpful when looking for shows she might like on science or history.
I have rarely been to a semi-public pool that had a lifeguard.
Going to the pool alone, regardless of your age, is a very foolish idea. A ridiculously large number of drownings happen because of people swimming alone. Always, always, **always** have a pool buddy, even if she's sitting in a chair reading. Drowning can happen to the most experienced swimmer. It's like wearing a…
THIS. I have been saying this for years. It's real easy to espouse "debt free living" when you make a million dollars a year, and TLC furnishes your 7000 square foot home, and your family gets free healthcare for life because of dad's short stint in politics. I also find it ironic that TV/ internet is severely…
Did I say I "couldn't handle" seeing pornographic material? If I'm going out for coffee and a bagel, I don't expect to see scantily clad pole dancers behind the counter. If I take my toddler to story time at the library, I don't expect the librarian to read from George Carlin's "When Will Jesus Bring the Porkchops?" I…