
When it happened, I did ignore it. I felt that it was appropriate to share my experience here and now, given the content of this article. Something has to be done, but we posters ignoring such responses is a good place to start. I have faith Gawker will take appropriate action to ensure this crap does not continue.

Thank you! I received a response once myself in the form of a pornographic gif. People are are crazy. I'm worried some sicko(s?) is going to bombard this comment thread with much of the same. :-/ I believe that the viewing of porn, like any sexual activity, should be consensual, and any sensible person should agree

Attention anyone who bleeds from their crotch about once a month- you can give your middle finger to capitalism and make your own pads and tampons. It's not as gross as it sounds. WWII era and prior, women made their own, hence the phrase "on the rag."

Kat, you single handedly made my weekend! Happy tears!

A product like this could revolutionize NICU care. It is frightening and difficult to hold or feed your newborn baby while a dozen wires are taped around her little body.

As a proud mother of a NICU graduate, I thank you for your intelligent response. I was thinking this would be a wonderful product for NICUs.

I agree 100%. I like to think of myself as very sex positive. However, thinking back to my high school sex ed experience (not too many years ago; we had computers and internet), we were told the only "healthy" sexual relationship was within a marriage, no mention of bisexuality or homosexuality, and the only mention

Teachers rock. I have always thought 98% of teachers are amazing, enthusiastic, dedicated people who deserve nothing but admiration and higher pay. It's the system that deserves vilification. Teachers are rarely given the freedom to truly educate their students. Instead, they have to deal with a bunch of bureaucratic

I am a religious agnostic and I pray, just not to a higher being.

There are some very liberal Christians out there who are very tolerant and shout down the bigots- United Church of Christ, Quakers, and almost every lay Catholic I know, are a few groups who come to mind.

I feel you! I get depressed on every hormonal method I've tried, and often end up with heavier bleeding than my usual week of monsoon hemorrage clotty disgustingness. Anyone else get crazy suicidal depressed on hormonal BC? I need hormonal BC due to reproductive health issues. I would love to find a solution to my

Humans also lived tens of thousands of years without toilets, antibiotics, cars, clean drinking water, air conditioning, and fire departments. While these things are nice, we could stand to exist without them.

Um, but lesbians do need to worry about STDs. Ever heard of latex gloves and dental dams?

Most women use birth control for a multitude of reasons. This conversation is about awful side effects of birth control and the birth control pill'smyriad uses, not about STI prevention. I'm obviously a huge fan of condoms, but I'll be the first to say the standard latex male condom is *NOT* a foolproof method, nor is

If we outlaw abortion, OF COURSE IT WILL GO AWAY! Like how the drug war made illegal drugs disappear from our country completely. And how abstinence only sex ed programs successfully eliminate teen pregnancy! And how murders never happen in states with capital punishment.

You don't hear about assholes like the Quiverfull Baptist pharmacist I worked with who refused to fill birth control scripts on his shift, and showing women the door if they asked for Plan B. He had about a dozen kids and loved to tell everyone who asked that birth control is abortion because the bible. This crap

Which is why the local, non-religious hospital told me to drive across the state to the Catholic hospital if I didn't want a c-section that night. The Catholic hospital allowed me a week of bedrest, and gave let me make fully informed decisions about the birth and NICU stay.

In defense of Catholic hospitals in regard to their "pro-life" stance, if you have a high risk pregnancy/ birth, Catholic hospitals are usually the place to be.

If you're asking questions, earnestly trying to educate yourself, you're not being ignorant. ;-)

Contrary to popular belief, women are about as likely to physically abuse their partners as men.