Sexy body + short hair = creeper magnet. An attractive young woman with a buzz cut will attract more catcalls each day than she ever thought possible, and make her long for the day her hair grows out.
Sexy body + short hair = creeper magnet. An attractive young woman with a buzz cut will attract more catcalls each day than she ever thought possible, and make her long for the day her hair grows out.
You stole the words from my brain! I was thinking how awesome it is that Satanists use their notoriety to show how silly said laws are.
They get off from the rapey aspect of it. It's the thrill of catching their victims without their knowledge or consent.
I have met a few women who are into "water sports." There are people who really get aroused by pee, and poop, too. But satisfying a curiosity this way is creepy as heck. I'm going to start inspecting public and hotel restrooms from now on!!!!
cowl neck
Glad I am not the only one who is sick of reminding people of the B in LGBT+.
YAY! Progress! Sorta kinda maybe-ish.
Cosmo always has ridiculous sex "advice" when it comes to positions. I remember reading a hetero sex advice article once.... the position was called something like "the helicopter" and involved beginning with the basic girl on top position. You were then told to lie down and spin your body in circles. Like, get your…
I'm not a lesbian, and I have every right to comment on lesbian sex. I am bisexual. I have had sex with women.
Thanks :-) Of course she's freaking cute and awesome!
I have noticed an inverse correlation between bridezilla-ness and the duration of a marriage.
um... but they do. Signed, happily married half of a polyamorous couple.
Polyamory, anyone?
Stop with your logic! It might offend yikesdudes's sensibilities.
No, he'd probably suggest mama carry to the magical 33-34 week mark as I did.
You are suggesting we bring back Jim Crow? Lolwut?!
... and he seems not to understand that a c-section is far riskier than a vaginal birth or abortion, which is the by far the safest procedure of the three.
because you don't believe women are actually people?
I think a feminist like myself who (gasp!) does not personally believe in abortion (only speaking for my own uterus, as I am pro-choice) really hurts little boys like him in the balls. And I find hairless, muscular men a total turn-off. Give me a skinny but toned guy with cute chest fuzz.