
Where should we draw the line on censorship, our right to know, and journalistic integrity and ethics? Should the media publish the names of minors charged with crimes? Should the media publish the names of sexual assault victims? After all, we have the right to know. (Edited for typo)

Simply stating something awful is going on works just as well. They can air a segment once they get the facts straight. Case in point, look at all the media's corrections to very basic info here, such as who was shot. It borders on unethical to air live coverage of a possible hostage situation / shooting. The media is

Reality TV marriage is only about half a step from interspecies marriage, IMHO.

But going by how stupid these laws regarding teens sexting can be, wouldn't the 15 year old girl be guilty of possessing child porn? Oh gawd, I might be giving these lawmakers ideas.

Do you trust the information you received in DARE? You expect to find unbiased research on these things? I did not say it was without consequences. I said it doesn't cause brain damage. I trust anecdotal stories from people who have used such substances responsibly, far more than any national, academic, or

You beat me to it.

I would love for a sane and rational, well-known celebrity to come out as poly. When that finally happens, maybe people would chill out about the whole monogamy-is-the-only-way-because-THE-CHILDREN line of thinking.

We don't qualify for a subsidy. Obamacare didn't include the cost of covering dependents in the affordability matrix. I'm a SAHM of one child. While it was important for our family that one of us was SAH, even if I did work, I would not be able to make enough money to offset the cost of health care alone or childcare

Nearly 1/3 of my spouse's income for health insurance was deemed affordable by the mystical Obamacare affordability matrix.

This is why I am a Honda fan.

I don't think it's unreasonable to expect an ignition switch to withstand the weight of two keys and a keychain.

Don't knock PBR. No one expects any good to come from a beer that costs less than Coca Cola.

The first time I encountered that vile beverage, I had to do a double take. I thought it was Foul Roco.

I'm a little bummed about the polyamory thing.

I want affordable health CARE, not "affordable" health insurance.

Damn, this is like 3 pages worth of basic bitch shaming.

I made the mistake of checking the news immediately upon waking this morning. I almost started packing a suitcase to move to Canada when I heard about this ruling.

Hobby Lobby has the biggest presence in states that didn't expand Medicaid.

Had the law been written to account for such asshattery as states refusing to expand MedAfraid, I would not be in this boat. So yes, I will continue to shit on the ACA. I am a former MedAfraid recipient, btw.