
In defense of Catholic hospitals... I was advised by the local hospital less than two miles from my house, that if I wanted to defy medical experts and choose not to undergo a C-section that night, to drive halfway across the state to the Catholic hospital, before the local hospital officially admitted me. The

I hope you caught the sarcasm. With the screen name "Happiness is free condoms," I feel the sarcasm in my statements about birth control are glaringly apparent.

But masturbation turns people gay! Repent now!

Or you could be someone like me who got screwed by Obamacare, who can't afford the full-price cost of "sliding scale" care at PP or the local health department, because somehow I am supposed to afford $150-600 to go see a OBGYN (cost depends on what they are treating me for). And pay for any subsequent Rx out of

Those little harlots can choose to keep their pants on. No one "needs" contraception.

There are some very progressive Christian groups- United Church of Christ and Quakers are two groups that immediately come to mind.

As a religious agnostic, I totally welcome respectful theological discussion. However, beginning your statement with "fuck your god" is not the way to start a civilized theological discussion.


Sir Elton John, with all due respect, I must correct you. Jesus was Jewish.

I mention my religious upbringing because of the religion's emphasis on "the sanctity of life." All Christian sects emphasize certain bible passages above others, as there will inevitably end up being contradictions in a 2000 page, millennia old anthology of stories and letters and poems. While you were correct in

And I am sure a large percentage of them wear glasses or contacts. If God made you with crappy vision, why mess with His plan?

I still use the term bisexual because pansexual sounds awkward, like I am romantically involved with my kitchen ware. The term bisexual predates widespread understanding of gender identity. Pansexual, in my opinion, came about because people didn't feel like expanding and clarifying the definition of bisexual.

With my daughter, I chose to risk complications for several days until my midwife talked me into a pre-term induction as the safest choice for healthy baby and healthy me. It was 100% my choice to hold off with interventions, and not a risk I would suggest a woman should take if she felt differently about what was the

Maybe diabetic pro-lifers should prove how much they truly trust The Lord's intelligent design and stop taking their insulin.

I am a huge fan of condoms, but they are not the best solution. I know people with latex allergies who can't afford to use non-latex condoms, and other methods are considerably cheaper.

I can somewhat understand the "It's a child, not a choice" mentality due to my religious upbringing, though I completely disagree with it. I repeat, I do not agree with that mindset. Every child deserves to be loved and wanted.

Woman have to resort to buying a legal Rx drug in flea markets??! One which I had to sign off on in the hospital in order to begin a life-saving preterm induction??!!! Seriously. What the ever living fuck???!!!

...And I just realized the way I worded that sounds like one can buy breastmilk at the store.

Having given birth to a NICU baby/ preemie, I can tell you- if a baby is dealing with severe dehydration (or any other serious condition) and the doctor is Rxing formula, anything from the store does not compare in the slightest, whether it is organic or international brand, or even human milk.

Six days of complications and bedrest before giving birth to my daughter about two months early. No complications until six days before the emergency induction.