
No, statistics show that firearms do increase a risk. You have a right to own one (or many). Fine. But please don't pretend like it doesn't affect anyone else. Please don't act like guns aren't dangerous, that only "bad guys" who are "inside your house" have to be concerned. Guns are inherently dangerous and

They asked. Also, this is our job: trying to explain things to difficult patrons. They cant be satisfied with a simple yes or no, they cant help us to help them. People like this insist on making problems and being challenging then hiding behind "Well, Im just a poor soul who can only afford the occasional special

I live in a wonderful country where guns are illegal. The chance of someone bringing a gun into my home is so miniscule as to be virtually non existent. It's pretty great.

Oh man, I hope you're trolling and now I'm the dick for interacting, but regardless...

Felony child endangerment - the charge exists for a reason.

You know the best way to avoid shit like this? Don't have guns.

I guess pray for the five year old who will carry this absolutely horrific tragedy with him for the rest of his life.


I'm not even a server, and I'm finding your entitled, thoughtless attitude pretty annoying.

I think he's just trying to get us to participate in his foot fetish?

Well, no one has a "right" to eat out anymore than they have a "right" to climb Mt. Everest.

Chuck Johnson by all appearances is shamer, smearer, and all around terrible person. I in no way want to be associated with his tactics or view point on this subject.

I had a civil conversation with Holly Fisher's husband.

Sadly, I DON'T think this is all he has to say.

as much as it pains me to say this: Johnson's right. this woman spends way too much time taking people - other women, specifically - to task for failing to live up to moral standards which she herself cannot uphold. if her online persona wasn't so relentlessly moralistic, Johnson wouldn't have even bothered with this.

Yeah, servers DEFINITELY hate you.

First, she didn't say it wasn't busy, only she thought she was giving her trainee a likely easy table for her first attempt at solo serving.
The answer to your question as a whole is because people are terrible. What does the restaurant gain- other than a potential lawsuit? Also, I am pretty sure there are health

Okay, this was hilarious, and most of those interpretations on point.

Please. People decide not to fuck other people on probably a minute-by-minute basis because of superficial shit like that. It's how life goes. In this mythical world you apparently live in, is no one ever outright rejected based on looks? If so, I want to go to there.

Considering that's been the status quo for millennia, I fail to see your point.