
Now that sounds like a Hangover sequel I want to see

In their faces, mostly

Well, technically, the Sky is No Man’s, so the Women actually own the Sky. The Men have to make do with the poisonous, uninhabitable ground and the penis animals.

Why look at concept art if you haven’t seen the show?!

Tbh, after all the hype I went into GotG expecting a lot more comedy, and came out of it a bit deflated. So SS probably had an even harder time.

Like Gotham?

This still blows my mind. They could make an absolute fortune by releasing Pokemon on mobile. Why not even go the next step and combine the two, so you can fight your friends using AR? That would be awesome.

I’m guessing once the Poke-Go Plus arm band comes out it will count your steps that way, which is an evil scheme

When the crappy neighbours above our flat in London had a party till 4am on a Wednesday, despite us and others asking them to turn it down, I ended up calling the police to make a noise complaint and they just said “not everyone works Monday till Friday, maybe its their weekend”.

Fuck it, people rent flats to live and sleep, not put up with people screaming and shit next door. Be a professional and keep the racket to your soundproof rooms, don’t be an inconsiderate arsehole.

Pretty much why I *aim* to start a PC build, soon as some spare cash starts becoming available - I’m not going to get rid of my PS4 (hell, I still play on my PS3 sometimes), but for the same reason you just mentioned, I may as well just jump onto the PC bandwagon.

Note the big tube coming out the suits abdomen there too...

To be fair, he’s set up a studio, pitched and started developing a game, and put out this teaser within 6 months. Not bad!

Sign me up, buttercup!

I never got around to playing Injustice, but been tempted to pick it up because of the story, but I can’t quite figure out how the hell that fits in around all the fighting...

Ah, well that’s a whole other problem😭😉

Pretty much why I stopped playing Minecraft on my consoles, as soon as I realised it was a limited map, I lost interest.


Come on guys, lets keep focus on the story here...

Started this like “heh, I remember Pokemon”