Always felt he was just channelling Jesse in BoJack
I think she made a valid point - it’s out of character with the script, personally I agree with that.
He’s on tv so much these days its unsettling how easily you can hear him say the words in your an anti-Morgan Freeman
“I mean, I don’t know who Keith Olbermann is, I don’t know who he is. I never spoke to him. I looked him up and he looks like a LOSER. He’s just a whiny LOSER. I don’t know who that man is. I don’t associate with LOSERS.”
beat me too it...
Probably one of my favourite toys as a kid was this Batmobile, where the cockpit slid out into a glider from the cool!
dakka dakka!
So, heres my question.
I was looking at it on PSN this weekend, where its £18 here in the UK. And I thought, yeah I’ve heard its good, but ¡8 for a digital just a touch too much.
This afternoon I’ve heard about Disturbed’s cover of Sound of silence; eaten a pack of Ritz salt & vinegar crackers, and now this.
• That they’ve kept the charade going for this long
I think that theory is actually mentioned in that same documentary (Room 237)
and he’s beaten up women...
He’s the rightful heir to the Philosophers Legacy, let him do what he wants!
Great for digging ditches though.
Let the good times roll!