
So true. Especially in academia and fields where your reputation among colleagues plays a big role in the next job, or even keeping the current job. 

Same—I’m looking forward to reading it.

My FIL, a Trumpy asshole, loves to post Depression-era pics of shoeless dirty white kids and comment how that’s proof white privilege isn’t a thing. He was born years later, in the prime post-war boom economy, but sure, it’s relevant to today...

I was lucky enough that my fave poli sci professor first taught us about white privilege in a class that was probably 33% Native American. Only the idiots had the kneejerk fight about it and most of us were smart enough to try to ruminate on it before opening our mouths, which was the time to see that, yeah, it

Or Americans. I’d say Nancy Pelosi probably doesn’t even like her much. 

A local pastor who went to HS with my wife posted something the other day where Trump had some little/teen girl deliver a prayer and was jizzing his shorts about how honored we are to have such a godly President. It’s the worst kind of willful ignorant hypocrisy, so I guess the only surprise is it wasn’t a Catholic. 

I continually wonder, unhappy as I am with my life, if I could have done that sort* of work for a few years and walked away instead of following the “dream” to government and public interest law where, newsflash, you will never be respected or treated well by anyone. 

Seltzer has always tasted too bitter to me, which is disappointing because I’m the non-drinking, (should be-) sugar avoiding perfect customer for such a project. I’ll keep trying it, but if anyone has ideas, I’m open to them. 

It’s like he studied at Penn State. 

Having worked at a college, I 100% believe everything she’s claiming. That’s pretty much every athletic department with fusty old coaches, newly hired or not. 

Same, other than I’m lying online about being younger.

Well said, Samer.

I’d like to think so, but I’ve had some of them tell me I’m not really a citizen because I’m liberal. So they’ve rationalized a difference to allow action. 

In their minds, the military is just waiting to join up with them as soon as they get away from those weak college educated pansy officers. Who are also true heroes, of course, because contradiction isn’t something they can contemplate. 

Problem is it went from “you and I have differing views on tax and spending policies” to “you and I have different views on whether I should be alive” and I don’t think my existence is a negotiable political point. 

I was all on the “just be nice and listen” until my aunt spent my cousin’s high school grad party drunkenly yelling at me and the other libs for destroying the country and hoping we’d be shot.

John Adams is the contestant carved into my memory, although with the state of my memory I’m probably completely wrong on the name. Lanky, wiry Asian guy who was a legit contender against the hulks of the cast. We turned in to watch him.

a 70 year old bald tortoise wearing number 4

Before the whole Klinsi thing got ridiculous, that was my original complaint...how are we helping US Soccer by chasing players who might have had an American father but are born and raised in Germany? 

In retrospect, not worth engaging.