
My stupid ass SIL can never let it go that I don’t want to have a drink at a bar or that I get juice for holiday toasts, etc. “I don’t drink alcohol” should be the answer that draws that to a close, but no, it’s always followed by questions designed to (in this family at least) find some moral fault to harp upon

None of which addresses the original point that 99% of the comments on this page aren’t from regular readers, but are some reddit flashmob sent to defend the Holy Yang against blasphemers. See how well that worked for the Bernie Bros last time and get back to us. Or don’t, since I tired of this True Believer stuff

Let me know how your husband voting in the Dem primary goes. 

Post something spicy over on reddit and watch them all disappear back to their home to respond. 

There’s probably a touch of the demasculization of Asian men to it, too, as Kenny Klan can’t imagine the Asian guy stealing his wife like he spends all those hours and hours worrying about the black and hispanic guys. 

my MIL brings that up at least weekly. Always pointing out that she, herself, if an outlier genius smarter than the Asians. (Well, she says “Orientals” but I get uncomfortable directly quoting her too much.)

Thanks for this.

Someone has to sign the checks from the evangelical churches.

Agreed. Obviously sex work depends on customers existing and there’s a whole host of ways the patriarchal system values/protects the consumer over the provider. But the idea that a man is willing to pay to look at a woman in a state of undress isn’t a negative reflection on the woman. 

I think you summed that up perfectly. 

Much like Brady, though, there’s a potential litigation strategy and a league that’s already been dinged for arbitrary punishment. 

Thanks for saying that without all the rage and aggression this topic apparently tapped into deep in my psyche. 

I’m not saying it’s an emotional marathon. But it’s having to pretend that’s funny over and over and over and over...you know, the point of the article. 

You know, not worth it. You’re a special person too awesome for us mere wage slaves. 

This depresses me, although that’s a good battle being waged, because these idiots will never admit to being wrong even when it’s right there. 

It’s almost like a lot of people get law degrees and work in government, including a lot of the right wing politicians promoting this theory, but nah that can’t be it. 

I said this elsewhere, because I can’t stop reading this stuff, but I’m concerned by the willingness to outright lie in the face of obvious evidence. My inlaws are hardcore Trumpers and already counter with “everyone lies, Obama lied, etc” but even if that were true...not like this. Not “that document we produced

I’m sorry you went through that.

The “jokes” are meant to demean and belittle workers for “hardly working.”

Yeah, you slave workers who have feelings...ignore them and serve me and my witty dad jokes that i’m too self-centered to realize aren’t funny to you.