Ken Griffey Junior was in clubhouses his whole childhood and he was chill.
Ken Griffey Junior was in clubhouses his whole childhood and he was chill.
Meh. We all have reasons why we like our job and if those perks disappear we are more likely to leave. This was a perk to him. And they took it away.
They play a sport let’s stop pretending that what they do is the same as an office job where kids are going to be a nuisance. It’s fucking baseball. 90% of the game is sitting on your ass watching other people do stuff.
Not likely any time soon. It’s a small fraction of their customer base who won’t buy their consoles or games but would buy their mobile version of those games. Maybe I'm being naive. They won't be going obsolete any sooner than the other console makers.
I suspect this person is angry for the same reason Elon’s other venture has an 18 month engineer turnover rate. Tesla is moving into the low cost category and, using the SpaceX model as a guide, one way to cut cost is to force 70 hour weeks. That works fine in the short term but not many people want to be doing that…
Allow me to introduce you to Nintendo. They’ve been a first party developer since the 80s. They aren’t going to be porting games beyond their consoles any time soon. They do realize they need to branch out into other forms of content but if you were expecting Mario/Pokemon/Zelda/kart/smash/etc on an iPhone you likely…
This guy is just upset Nintendo isn’t releasing for free on iPhone all the games he couldn’t play because he refused to buy Nintendo console and handhelds in the past.
Weren't you an employee at the time? You could be deposed for that comment!
Scoreboard, man. Your down 163-3 maybe you shouldn't worry about making a circus catch.
There are too many abused troll mechanics that are in way more levels than this. It doesn’t make sense why they yanked this. I’ve come across one level that asked me to platform on a p-switch. I immediately noped that level, but I didn’t think it was unfair, just beyond my skill level.
I’m a purist when it comes to SMM, so I prefer to play levels that follow traditional Mario mechanics, but I have to admit there are a lot of fun levels out there that rethink and repurpose items in ways that fall outside of how Nintendo intended these things to be used. To take out a P-switch as a platform simply…
Death traps are the worst. Nothing more dick than putting a door with a bunch of arrows around it only to have that stupid laughter thing and an empty pit on the other end. Those should be the levels that are taken down with no explanation. Or better yet, part of the pre-upload play through should require you to…
I was surprised how much I enjoyed playing some of the ransoms I’ve come across. I definitely thought I was going to be playing this game to make, but I’ve only done about 6 or 7 real levels. Most of the time is playing. It’s great because you get to see that there are so many different things that people love about…
I just posted this idea about how to handle if my own son got into this. You can play the levels without uploading too. Maybe until they get the hang of it and understand how to make fun levels, it would be better to keep it in that environment.
That really sucks. I was hoping my son would want to make some levels when he gets a little older. Right now he just likes watching me. Maybe I will just play them in the edit screen rather than risk making him feel the rejection of posting online.
That would have been a great humble brag if you bothered to show any humility.
Go to 100 Mario levels and swipe the screen if a level doesn’t look immediately fun. Play the ones that look fun and star the ones you actually enjoyed. I have a pretty healthy stable of starred levels that I can go back to from time to time, or can view the maker’s page and try additional levels I know I have a…
I think you are misunderstanding what people mean when they say they want to be informed why it was taken down. They want to know if it was taken down for unpopularity or if it was taken down due to some type of rule violation (bad name etc). Based on that feedback they can hone their Mario making skill. Not that they…
In a vacuum maybe. But if he is successful at hitting .400, couldn’t he use that as a bargaining chip in contract talks? You can’t even field an infield with the players still alive from the last time .400 was hit. Add to that his power and fielding and I don’t see how he is losing money on a contract by showing he…
Yet we’re seeing it more and more that guys are putting their mental health first. Guys are taking sabbaticals to heal mentally and physically. Perhaps the machismo is fading and this guy will actually seek medical advice and see that weed is only affective in the short term. Then he can play football and get the help…