
I’m sure the NFL has thought this through and has sound research and stats to back up their claims. Otherwise, they might look foolish for once.

When visiting Belgium a few years ago, I remember seeing signs around Brussels and Bruges that said “No Wild Pissing” (Awkwardly translated signs are the best). Of course this lead us to mark every tree/bush/wall/etc. on the way back to our hostel after nights of too much Belgian beer. Not a great story, but I was

When both legs are asleep, I know that I have completed my task.

Say, what time is that on again?

I get you. I will sit there until my feet go to sleep. Only in the most dire of emergencies will I use a public toilet. I will sit uncomfortably at work for hours until i can get home to shit. Sometimes I worry that i am slowly poisoning myself.

Ah, I didn’t read the entire recipe (who has time for that?). Just saw “Step 1: boil water” and declared it as something containing cooked ingredients.

I beg to differ. After decades of practice, I am incapable of completing a shit in under 30 minutes. Since I do have some sense of civic duty, I have trained myself to only shit at home. I never have to shit in public.

Hello new Deadspinners who googled “teen girl goes down hard” and wound up here!

And even once she got going, she ran like Phoebe from Friends.

Luckily I was there in my ambulance to provide treatment.

she didn’t look like much of a ‘runner’

This same sentence can also be found in the marginal notes in Hitler’s copy of the Torah.

Come on man. At least read the article you linked. You could get away with it in 2003 because there were no penalties.

Jack Lalanne pulls out bits from his stool with more natural talent than Papi Ortiz.


Uhm. I live in Japan and I always do this to get rid of splinters. As do many of the Japanese people I eat with, oh, you know, every day. There is simply no monolithic Japanese culture. I've lived most of my time in Japan in Kansai, but now I live in Kyushu, and the regional differences are stark.

Probably. And we won the war, so I'm probably right.

I would if I felt it enhanced my eating experience. How I season my food is really nobody else's concern