Lex Luthor's Evil-er Twin

They are older white men, who aren’t themselves victims of the social imbalances that these protests are seeking to confront.

What I don’t get is why someone would protest the Anthem of the Country that allows him to make millions of dollars absolutely no money playing Football in the first place. If he really wanted to make a difference he’d donate some of his salary room and board to inner city charities.

Every time I see something written by Giri Nathan, I think it says “Girl Nation.” Anybody else ever see that?

Thank you TB! Next chapter

I think the Buccos should make the logos on their helmets a little bigger. My dead, blind grandmother can’t quite see them.

So much for freedom of slurred speech.

I live in Texas

In my virtual kingdoms I’ve put in countless hours to fully gear out my characters. My overwatch gorilla has the finest jackets and hats. My fallout character lives in a beautiful, sprawling city that I custom designed. He even has a stable 401k. I am married to a hulking, horned demon in another game. In the real

...adults don’t talk like that.

YOU were the one that mentioned Skittles!

Tulsa ironically parallels Trayvon if only because toxicology may end up showing this guy WAS on PCP, much like Martin was a known “lean” drinker (you do realize that lean consists of codeine, Skittles and fruit punch, right?)and possibly their demeanor played some part in the outcomes?

Well, don’t break the law and so what is asked and you won’t have any problems. Easy solution!!

Yea I think it’s okay to call anyone animals if they’re burning stuff down and destroying property. Again, maybe Clevenger is racist, I have no idea, but I’m not 100% sure that he was calling the protesters animals because they’re black, or because they’re destroying property. I’m totally fine with calling anyone

“You know that Keith Lamont Scott deserved to die?”

Being good at business, especially regarding getting rich off of one piece of technology, has absolutely nothing to do with political acumen, intelligence, or decency. Being rich in no way makes you smarter.

Potatoes, potatngjkbndfb kjndfkjhekhgakkjhgklhdsfkjb.

I dunno why you’re being so mean about this. It seems like the more prudent reaction by the angry mob in these instances is to wait X amount of months to see all the evidence before burning stuff down, no? Again, if I was a BLM protester, I would be greatly affected by learning “hands up, don’t shoot” never happened,

Go on some Gawker media sites and you’ll see no end of memes mocking Trump, it’s seriously every day. Why is it ok to troll him but not Hillary?

Waaaaaaah, someone said something I disagree with. Waaaaaaaaah, I must now call them a racist. Waaaaaaaaah, give me my safe space, I’ve been triggered. Waaaaaaaah