
Maybe he knows Rubio supporters are so dumb that they might actually believe his is a robot.

Sanders has a 100% record for voting with NARAL and a 100% record for voting with PP.

Madeline Albright is 78 years old. She was born in fucking 1938 in fucking Czechoslovakia until FUCKING HITLER forced her family into exile in England during the Holocaust (in which THREE of her Grandparents died). She lived through the blitz in London, hiding under a metal fucking table during Nazi bombings.

Ouch! That’s one for the Bern Book (says the over-50 unapologetic feminist who will unapologetically vote for Bernie Sanders)!

There IS a special place in Hell for women not supporting women. It's called Fox News. And it's a very bad place.

It seems that for a lot of second wave feminists a line has been crossed from feminism that combats sexism to feminism that is sexism.

Marco Roboto sounds better to me, because then I’m tempted to yell “Domo Arigato!” if I ever see him.

It was Cheney on orders from Jeb!

I think the messaging needs to change for some of these older feminists.

Hear that ladies? If you vote for Bernie you’re going to hell. Of course if you do anything that makes you feel good in any way, you’re probably going to hell anyway.

Actually, the obama_bash subroutines should be the same since they all essentially were the same words regurgitated all over again. So more like obama_bash (no number since it’s just that one and needs no differentation).

Hey, Cardboard Dudes. You are my heroes for the day.

I’m actually enraged by this. That’s just poor hosting. And I also have a pancake problem so it’s extra insulting. If you can’t deliver on pancakes, you don’t get to be president. That should be in the rule book.

This is also a huge misstep as a candidate. If Rubio can’t deliver on a promise for pancakes, how can we trust him to deliver on his campaign promises???

The strangest part of this is how there were no pancakes at Pancakes with Rubio. Don't promise me fucking pancakes if you aren't going to deliver. I don't know if he's a robot, but he definitely has no heart.

That is rude as hell to promise pancakes and not deliver. What happened to the pancakes?

He’ll still blame her. Guarantee it.

I thought it read “Professor of the sassy mouth”,
thinking “Wow, *best class ever*....”

I’m POC, a woman, a single mom, possessor of a sassy mouth, and a DGAF attitude. That target would have been on my back, my front, the top of my head… Actually, just picture a sprinkling of red dot sights all over my damn self.

but don’t they hate “her” more than the fact she is a woman? Clearly some people couldn’t handle it if a woman was president. But in a lame comparison - Obama being black seems far more socially warping than her being a woman.