
I always compare her career to Sandra Bullock’s. They’re similar on so many levels - talent, age (Sandra’s a couple of years older), box office draw (Bullock’s draw is no bigger than Berry’s IMO, etc. - and yet Bullock still gets starring roles in films. I mean maybe this was Berry’s choice, but ... WTF?

I could get behind Jess 2.0 if Rory and Logan are really over but Dean? C’mon now. I don’t understand how ending up with your stalker is a good idea for anyone involved.

A message we can all unite behind.

Seconded, my Jess 2.0 comment is in the greys but nobody is worse than Dean.

Yes, let's freak out every time someone uses a non-gender-specific insult because women don't like it when gendered insults are used against us for behaving in ways that are celebrated in men.

Obvious troll is obvious.

Demon is just fighting for ethics in local government financial misappropriation journalism, just like Buchanan.


What kind of lady journalist asks QUESTIONS? Ugh!

Yeah ladies, don’t be a bitch and ask boys about their questionable government spending, be a cool girl and let it slide.

That was glorious and also completely nauseating.

“What kind of things do you like me to do with you body?” Jeb said as I looked over the contract. “Do you like it when I keep it from healthcare?” Oh my. My inner goddess screams YES but I blush.

who called the mix-up “flattering,”

It’s about the wife of a politician... the show starts with a very public cheating scandal where she decides to “stand by her man”, at least in public. In private, they separate, and she restarts her career as a lawyer, which she had put on hold to raise their children and be a politicians wife. The show focuses on

I was more thinking he was a cross between Chris Christie and Pizza the Hutt.

“The gal that’s running against me is a 30-year-old, you know, mom, mother of two infants,” the 62-year-old Republican said during a radio interview. “And I don’t know if anybody mansexplained to her we’ve got to spend three nights a week in Columbus...”

I didn't realize Marlon Wayons is in his 40s. He looks like he stopped aging at some point.