Can you tell us about more comedians that were relly cool? I love hearing about comedians who aren’t dumpster fires in real life. People like Chevy Chase really ruin it for me.
Can you tell us about more comedians that were relly cool? I love hearing about comedians who aren’t dumpster fires in real life. People like Chevy Chase really ruin it for me.
We get it. You saw that episode of 30 Rock.
Most male comedians are also self deprecating. It’s kind of a thing comics do. Kevin James, Kevin Hart, Myq Kaplan, Moshe Kasher, Gary Gulman, Louis CK, Rob Delaney, Jimmy Fallon, David Cross, Paul F. Tompkins, Patton Oswalt, Michael Ian Black, John Mulaney, John Oliver and many many many many many more male comedians…
Not if you want to be president.
You’re my new favorite Rambo.
In what country do you reside, if you don’t mind my asking. I promise I wont dox you. Can’t speak for anyone else, though.
Who says they weren’t?
Let’s do some more math! Let’s say a party of 14 is seated in your section. That means you have one other table available in your section if you’re lucky. That 14 top will be in your section for 3 hours. Let’s say you get 3 2 tops at your ONE other table during that time. So you get 6 dollars from each table if you’re…
How dare you? Infinity pools are essential!
It’s not a perceived breach of etiquette. It’s an actual breach of etiquette. If an hour after someone IMs you you talk about them on the phone with the door of your office open loud enough for people to hear on their second day of work, then I assume you’re one of those people who just looks for drama and talks shit.…
And I do that. If someone is repeatedly upsetting me at work I say something to their face.
It is unprofessional not to mention just plain cunty, to talk shit about a coworker to someone else on their second day of work. What the boss SHOULD have done was just gotten the fuck over it and not said anything to anyone. I wouldn’t tell someone something bothered me the first time they did it either. I’d just get…
Her boss is crazy. Or department head. Or whatever. If her boss (or whatever ) was offended, she should have talked to the letter writer about it. Talking shit behind her back just shows me that she is a shit talking passive agressive jerk who doesn’t understand how adulting works. Don’t like something someone said to…
Do you have Zoc Doc in Canada? Or is it Doc Zoc? Anyway, it’s basically Yelp (but not a bunch of bought reviews) for doctors and dentists. I had a not great experience with my gyno (nowhere near as bad as yours, he just kept trying to get me to switch my IUD from copper to hormonal because I don’t know why. Despite…
Listen, if Lord Grantham says that this is a real photo of fetuses arranged in a jaunty way, who are we to argue?
Um, she is very offensive to my ears because they are connected to my brain so when she speaks I can understand the words she’s saying and then my brain gets sad.
It could be an evil twin. Ever heard of Evil Twin Brewery?
Oh, I didn’t see that. My bad.
Do NOT make fun of all 8 voters in Wyoming! The senators from Wyoming deserve to be in congress just as much as senators from California and New York said no non-idiot ever.
President Trump is gonna sign a lot of bills making it illegal for people to be “loozahs” and “hatahs”. Oh God. Just imagine what the oval office is going to look like if he wins! The most luxury oval office in the world.