
You know, the only problem I've got with Uniqlo is that the name translated to german means something like "university toilet".

You, Sir, beat me to it.

My appartment has no more than 300 square feet and I don't feel as cramped as I feel just from looking at this floor plan.

Just what I thought ... I honestly didn't even understand what the problem was before I understood that it looks like you just can't delete icons from the homescreen in iOS. Well, Apple knows best, don't they?


Whoops, you might be right.

"...but it will continue to rent and use the space."

I'd have to go to the bathroom every five minutes.

That's terrible - also a reason why I can't watch talkshows. And it also works the other way round in sales talks: Employees completely ignoring their customers all of a sudden, right in the middle of a conversation, because a colleague asks them something.


The design reminds me of the NeXTcube (big deal, it's a black cube), so Apple might sue.



Three or four days without smoking? No thanks.

Yeah, but you didn't, did you?

Thanks for that idea. Because don't forget, people: Even the metric parts of the world still measure time in a similarily archaic way.

Actually, no :D

Same here. As soon as the name of the place we're set to meet is known, I don't want anyone asking "How do I get there?"

Where I live (Munich), you would have to factor in the wind, as when it rains, there's also a storm. Always. But yeah, the comments suggesting to simply use an umbrella are probably giving the most helpful advice.

I fell asleep around rule #2.