
Care to give an image source?

"You don't have to worry though, these are mostly only flown in the third world today."

I was so proud for recognizing this when the movie was showing in theatres.

Me, before reading the article: "Oh, interesting, an outlook!" Me, after reading the article: "So the title should actually be 'How our ancestors died, visualized". It took me a long time, but yes, now I am one of those: Pleeease, Giz, get your shit together. I know it's more fun if you don't have to be acurate at

To say the title of this news is misleading would be the least.

Giz sure loves the "slap anything on the return/shift key to make an illustration that magically caches the article's gist" picture.

What's with the weird shapes of people in the picture? Jesus, did you do that?

Actually, I sometimes wondered why such an App doesn't already exist. I guess it could become an update to those weird bars from the 50's with a telephone on each table. But, you know, with more sex (meaning more pornography but probably even less sex).

My brother's neighbor's gardener's friend makes $1735/hr on the computer. She has been unemployed at times but last year her income was $15198600 just working on the computer for a few hours. Read more on this web site... zaha-hadid.com

Okay, so "the two percent that were over capacity were enough to cause traffic jams that spiraled out into the less crowded roads." How do you get from streets that are used over capacity to "troublemakers" two sentences later to "idiots" in the headline?


My legs would fall asleep after 15 minutes.

I thought there was no porn in the Apple universe. Can anybody explain? They're letting everyone and their mother publish porn for their mother, but a supposedly great App gets pulled from the store because you can see some boobs?

"Kaspersky Lab, a security firm" - what are you, USA Today?

Dude, it's not roughly $1,500 a piece. More like $1,600 to $1,900.

Ja. Aber wenn mir Google erzählt, ich müsse mich jetzt auf den Weg machen, um rechtzeitig bei der Familientherapie anzukommen, frage ich mich erstmal, was das soll und denke nicht daran, daß ich dem Haus meines Bekannten auch ein Therapeut arbeitet - vor allem, wenn ich die Adresse in Google Contacts mit ihm verknüpft

The german Google Now uses none of the features that would really make it useful, like tracking information or stuff like that. But I can be sure it will always tell me that it takes x minutes to get to some weird shop/shrink/podiatrist I've never heard of before, just because I have set a street address as the

For what it's worth, most of the time if an article seems totally irrelevant/stupid to me, the comments make up for it.
