
Yeah, I'm an idiot for going off the DVD commentary. And boy you showed me! Now this makes complete sense!

A the plot of several movies staring Steve Guttenberg, Bubba Smith and Marion Ramsey?

Simulated Lethal Force”

Had she had a gun, she would have been alive now, as guns defend people from other guns, duh!

Holy crap. I’m impressed.

That’s mostly the chemtrails keeping you docile, sheeple.

Amen. A life spent in service of vanity is no life at all. Take a shower every day, don’t mainline hard drugs and go for a walk once in a while. Let the rest of the chips fall where they may.

If I ever have kids, I’m not going to allow them to watch anything Disney. It’s Game of Thrones for them. Valar Morghulis, ya little monsters.

Is he fucking 12? God damn what a dumbfuck.

GDubs said that? Shut up! He’s not wrong tho.

Nazis gonna Nazi.

I would be too scared to protest at the RNC. I would go in there fully expecting to be punched in the face or worse. These women are so brave.

These women are badasses.

like drinking flavored moose piss

It’s not really just a donut shop, it’s coffee, donuts, sandwiches, other pastries and soups.

I guess Jesus didn’t take the wheel...

3. The victim has a police record!

This was perfect. You're perfect.

“Are you talking about me or Hillary Clinton, pumpkin?” I asked. “I’m sad because my vaginal elasticity is completely shot. I’m sad because fucking is like hitting a baseball into the Grand Canyon.”

This is fucking amazing. Jesus.