Hans Wust

Your insights are pretty reasonable and those hidden capabilities only known by the few ones involved in acquisitions would pay off the overstretched budget and prepare a nasty surprise for any potential enemy.

It’s so funny to see how Pindosy are so brainwashed that they repeat masterpieces of ignorance like truths.

It’s so funny to see how Pindosy are so brainwashed that they repeat masterpieces of ignorance like truths.

It’s so funny to see how Pindosy are so brainwashed that they repeat masterpieces of ignorance like truths.

What a dribble of lies mingled with news!

What commitment? To violate once again the International Law by toppling a legitimate Government? What’s your right to decide who is a legitimate ruler? The right of the brute force? And you call yourselves “civilized”?