
This new self-ad feature “Recent video from Gizmodo” needs to die. The first problem is that they auto play. Fuck that. Second, I keep seeing the same one of some ugly dog playing with game controllers. If you are going to have annoying auto play videos, at least put someone in them that isn’t homely looking.

Now, don’t be disgusting.

with the number of personal accounts of people warning other people about Weinstien coming out, it seems to me like it’s not the fault of anyone not saying anything about him, it’s that nobody listened or took them seriously.

I have an X1 Carbon - what a laptop. My mom loves her Yoga as well, especially for watching movies where she puts it into a “tent” when she does exercises.

The clamshell survives because it works. It’s a simple solution to a complex ergonomic problem. The Yoga looks beautiful, but my current laptop has discrete graphics, 2 hard drives (one of those a 2 TB traditional disk for storage, the other a 512 SSD, and a 4K screen for image editing. Until I can get a similar

Who are you calling the Nazis in this story? The anti-Trump protesters or the DoJ?

That’s what happens with all male celebrities

I get the impression Gizmodo really doesn’t want to like this series, but the tone of the articles I’ve read about it tell me that it’s exactly what I want it to be. It actually looks good to me. The Punisher ought to be disturbing. If they make him disturbing they’re doing it right.

I rather enjoyed Lucy, but can’t think how they could twist that ending to make a sequel. Isn’t she basically all-powerful and virtually everywhere now, or am I misremembering?

I’m in it because I love cars, and should have gotten into journalism instead ...

Former journalist here. It’s the best job in the world if you can afford to be poor(ish).

But this is a tablet running a AAA game from just this last year.

Sounds like you do look down on gaming. Take your superiority complex elsewhere, I’m gonna play the demo, and some Forza Horizon 3.

There are still millions of players that play exclusively on console and do not own gaming-ready PCs, the Xbox One X for example sold out within a day of preorders going live. Doing the Play Anywhere option allows them to sell more copies overall and grow the brand of MS games.

But I don’t get the point of a simulator when you have the real thing parked outside.

I don’t get citations for driving 100+ in Forza. Nor do I have to pay for damage from racing other cars. Also, premium is expensive, yo. lol

It looks like that is how it worked. ObamaCo used these excuses to spy on TrumpCo. Would not have been a big deal had Trump not been the political enemy of Obama, who needed Clinton to win in order to protect his legacy. This was the contingency plan in case Hillary didn’t win the election that was supposedly a

So.... Trump WAS wire tapped

Nice story and all, but things like this just don't sit well with me when my family entered legally and waited in line just like everyone else who immigrated legally. We paid our taxes just like we were told, we filled out our paperwork just like we were told, and we waited for years to finally get those passports.