

I’m a Republican/Libertarian, and I want to see the Nazi’s burn too.

I admit, I’m a total Apple goober and own everything Mac OS and iOS. But, some of these new 2 in 1's from PC manufacturers have me tempted due to the crazy high-cost of the new MacBook Pros. This looks very tempting.

Satanists are pure fags.

No it doesn’t.

Ba da tisssssss.

That looks insane! (Like, good insane.)

Fake news.


Oh look, another Trump-bashing article on Gawkmodo. How fresh!

Damn it, I wish this was coming out on the Switch.

How about stop being little bitches.


Who were the Democrats and who were the Republicans?

I thought it was white-hating developers?

Man made climate change destroyed Mars.

I have a Pug and love them to death. I’ll always be a Pug guy :)

Now THIS is cool AF.

I actually loved the first film and am excited for this one too. Not really diggin’ the title though.

You hit the nail on the head my friend!