
Very well written and objective article Stephen. When do you think we'll get answers to the questions you posed in the story? E3?

There's always money in the banana stand!

You just invalidated this comment by inserting your political views at the end. If you want to go on a political rant, go to Gawker or something.

Now run and tell that, troll!!!

Well Bill, I'd say I do. Up in Fayetteville, N.C., where I live, this seems to be the case.

Hell, maybe we're both right due to our locations.


No, people on welfare are on some shitty Android phone and are using T-Mobile or Boost.

Google "Operation Northwoods" and WTC 7.

Fucking well said.

And I still serve in the Army with just under 11 years active service myself. Fuck drones being used on our soil, and fuck shitty-ass agencies like the TSA.


Wow, bad ass!

Way to be on top of your game DHS.



I call BS. These are probably controlled leaks by the U.S. government so they can gain support for — and usher in — some kind of SOPA bill.

Yeah, I get that. I just get sick of hearing people bitch and complain about it all the time. I mean, I know shelling out the extra money for the upgraded space is more costly, but in my opinion (and I know opinions are like a$$holes), I'd rather have the speed of the onboard memory vice the slow data speeds of the

Very true.

Breathtaking photographs.

I'll buy that. Good reply :)