Hannibal the Cannibal

The answer depends on if you ask a CEO, or the people who work under them.

At least British TV can only claim to have come up with the idea. American television saw it implemented, and still decided to import it.

Merge the two. Naked Dating leads to Sex in a Box.

No compromise needed: I'd have included sitcoms if I hadn't been trying so desperately to forget they existed.

If you narrow that down to reality television, I'd be right there with you.

If you'd use it to label part of a diagram, I'd say it's probably not well-suited to more primal contexts.

The Rejoicing Strumpets.

A brief glimpse out of the corner of my eye told me that Michele Bachmann had been inaugurated as president.

The English language does not possess the necessary words to indicate my relief at the actual title.

Both, yes.

Not if it's stained with somebody else's blood on the other side: you have no idea!

Given how tight-lipped they're being about all this, one begins to formulate far more insidious theories about the origin of the blood. I can see the novel now: Murder in the Fitting Room!

It's whichever they find themselves competing against at any given moment.

You can't just leaving us hanging - what broke the glass!?

I don't know, they all look pretty model-ish to me.

But how would we know they were intelligent without them!?

When you look beyond the ranks of the professionally beautiful

They can, and they do - the woman is clearly just not trying hard enough to be pleased by her man so that he can be pleased with himself for pleasing her.

It still works fine for me, and I think you might be focusing a bit too heavily on the headlines. #10 is more about making a point at the man's expense, which the insecure among them tend to take exceedingly poorly, and there's no shortage of men who will refuse to drive a car they deem too "unmanly." The list is

I don't doubt the list is serious in the slightest. All of those things are complaints commonly heard from the mouths of men.