Hannibal the Cannibal

Going to be really awkward if they break up a year from now.

This is an actual thing? Do people start messaging each other with cute kitten videos and clips of Canadian mayors doing drugs?

Never underestimate the ability of old white men to marginalize everyone else who isn't one.

A valid point about corporate structure. While I'm certainly not one to discourage workplace diversity, I'd be much more enthusiastic about the progress if the workplaces were also working as hard on becoming more accommodating for their employees and invested in their general well-being.

And one had to be pushed. “My wife said she would divorce me if I didn’t read the book,” said Stephen Reilly, 40, the executive director of the Fulbright Association, a nonprofit based in Washington, D.C.

There's also still a degree of pragmatism to it, as well - given the continuing income (and general career) disparity between men and women, an unemployed or minimum wage-earning man would likely have a much larger negative effect on household income and long-term stability than a woman would in the same situation. A

Just how bad are we talking, here? Stories, stories!

It is now.

I think the concept is ridiculous (I've got a very long list of things in life I'd like to have - a domestic sex-elf is not among them), but apparently I'm an outlier among my gender.


My idea of "having it all" might involve a partner (not necessarily a wife), but certainly not for domestic purposes. The whole aversion to housework men are supposed to have - I just don't feel it.

I previously suggested a filter based on the number of characters contained within a message. I must now amend my proposal to include one that allows messages to be filtered out based on specific keywords.

Online dating is the science fiction/horror hybrid spinoff and semi-sequel of the psychological stress test gone horribly wrong that is "normal" dating.

They say some even have standards.

I don't think that's even a gender thing as much as a human thing - there seems to be a pretty even distribution on both sides of people with dubious taste in angles, lighting, backgrounds, and choice of garb. There are quite a few where I can't even be certain what part of the body I'm looking at. It's bad enough

I feel like there ought to be an optional filter or something. Automatically delete all messages under (x) characters, no hassle necessary.

Even then, you've just got a lot of people dying alone in close proximity to each other.

An actual cat walking across the keyboard would probably be more successful than these men. Also, kitty pictures, always a good bet.

But was there a carriage?

I also think that friendships between men tend to be more superficial in nature